History Of The Mastectomy And Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstructions are usually undertaken to replace the loss of mammary glands to a mastectomy that was performed to eradicate cancer. The history of breast reconstruction starts with the history of mammary carcinoma and the aftereffects of attempting to survive it.

Once the cancerous tissue has been removed most women feel a need to restore the bosom to its original shape and feel, which gave surgeons a reason to develop restoration.

Mammary carcinoma has been documented as far back as 6000 BC, but the attempts at treatment can only be considered barbaric. Egyptians treated this cancer by literally burning it out. They would cauterize the mammary glands so painfully that women nearly never came forward when they noticed a lump in their bosom. Dying of a mammary carcinoma happened to be a much better fate than the treatment of the day as was the case even up until the 18th century.

In fact, the daughter of Abigail and John Adams, Nabby Adams had to be tied down to a chair as a mastectomy was performed without anesthesia. Unfortunately, she died later of cancer anyway as did other famous figures such as George Washington’s mother Brand Cialis and Queen Mary.

By the 19th century, the use of anesthesia as well as sterilization was brought into the surgical industry which lessened pain and improved the patient’s chances of survival and complete recovery. Once this had occurred, not only were mastectomies much more common, but breast reconstruction become possible without putting the patient’s life in as much danger as before.

With the advent of anesthesia, Doctor William Halsted made the radical mastectomy procedure a fad among people in the late1800s.

The actual procedure he performed, however, went much too far when he removed not only the mammary glands but the chest muscles and even portions of the rib cage. Mastectomies such as this are no longer carried out, but the results of this procedure brought about a greater awareness of the need for breast reconstruction procedures.

The first mammary restorations were done by taking a long back muscle and bringing it around to the front of the torso to form a new bosom, which allowed the muscle to supply the fat and skin with blood flow. Different procedures were developed that utilized the skin around the lower abdominal area to restore tissue to the chest after a mastectomy as well.

The first implants were made of many different experimental materials including ivory, glass, ox cartilage, polyethylene chips and polyurethane sponge. During the 1960s, however, doctors began to make use of implant shells cialis 10mg price filled with saline and silicone. Although the silicone made for a more natural feel, it proved to be hazardous to a woman’s health.

Although saline implants continued to be used, silicone implants were banned in 1992 by the Food and Drug Administration until further testing could be done, but in 2006 this ban was lifted and silicone implants are now considered as safe as saline implants.

Today it is Viagra Professional considered quite safe and not too painful to undergo a mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction surgery, but it took thousands of years of blind experimentation and barbaric treatments before medical science could reach the point it is at today.

Author Bio: In Florida, breast reconstruction can dramatically improve your self-image, self-confidence and quality of life. Get a relatively natural looking breast and feel feminine again. To know more, visit http://tlhplasticsurgery.com

Category: Health
Keywords: tallahassee breast surgery, panama city breast surgery, panama city plastic surgery

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