How Smoke Cessation Can Be Done

As smoking is highly addictive so withdrawing from this habit often involves headache, irritability and mood swings; that is why a serious commitment is needed to quit smoking.

There are many good reasons to stop smoking. Smoking cessation may speed post-surgery recovery. One study suggested that even quitting tobacco for a few days could improve tissue blood flow and oxygenation, and might have a positive effect on wound healing. If a patient has had a history of heart problems, his chances of having a second heart attack will be lowered. Quitting may also reduce wound complications, and lower the risk of cardiovascular trouble after surgery.

Making a plan to quit:
You must have courage and will power to stop smoking. Before where to get viagra a smoker decides to quit, he should make sure he wants to quit smoking for himself and not for other people. The first step is to set a quit date. Cut coffee consumption in half. Go for a walk every day or begin an exercise program. Stock up on non-fattening safe snacks to help with weight control after quitting. Enlist the support of family and friends. Clean and put away all ashtrays the day before quitting.

Methods of quitting:
There are certain specific methods being used for quitting to smoke. Cold turkey is one way to stop smoking. Cold turkey can provide cost savings however, not everyone can stop this way as tremendous will power is needed. Laser treatment not only helps relieve these cravings, but helps with stress reduction and lung detoxification. Some studies indicate that laser therapy is the most effective method of smoking cessation, with an extraordinarily high success rate.

Acupuncture, small needles or springs are inserted into the skin-is another aid in smoking cessation. Some smokers can face the mental conflict, so they can just go through hypnosis means by talking directly to the inner mind, can help to resolve that inner battle.

Withdrawal symptoms:
Though there are side effects which can be felt while withdrawal from smoking like dry mouth, mood swings, irritability, feelings of depression, gas, tension, sleeplessness or sleeping too much, difficulty in concentration, Silagra intense cravings for a cigarette, increased appetite, weight gain and headaches.

But these side effects are temporary. These symptoms can last from one to three weeks and are strongest during the first week after quitting. Drinking plenty of water during the first week can help Brand Cialis detoxify the body and shorten the duration of the withdrawal symptoms.

Author Bio: A positive attitude, drive, commitment, and a willingness to get stop smoking help from health care professionals and support groups will help with Smoke Cessation. So, why wait stop smoking now!

Category: Health
Keywords: Stop smoking help, stop smoking Tips, smoke cessation, quit smoking medication, quit smoking effects

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