How To Decrease Energy Use At Home

Looking for ways to cut back on your electricity bills? Follow these tips to reduce the amount of electricity you use

your home. Not only will you save your bank account, you’ll help save the planet.

Start by replacing your incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent tubes or compact fluorescents. Not only do CFLs last eight times longer than incandescent bulbs, they use four times less energy! (Fluorescent tubes last even longer.) The bulbs are more expensive initially, but Kamagra jelly you make back the money and more by replacing them less frequently and by lowering your energy consumption. Changing all of the light bulbs in your house will make the biggest difference in your electric bill. Remember, turn the lights off when you’re not using them!

Another way to cut back on your bill is to be smart about your appliances. If possible, buy energy-efficient appliances. You will save the most on larger appliances like refrigerators, laundry machines, dryers, and dishwashers, but you can even save on smaller appliances like toasters and coffee makers.

If you cheapest price for cialis can’t afford to replace your appliances, unplug them when they’re not in use. This seems like common sense for the toaster, but it applies to the larger machines as well. Obviously, you need to leave your fridge plugged in, but have you ever thought about unplugging the washer and dryer? If they’re plugged into the wall, appliances use energy even when they’re turned off. Finally, be creative. Where practical, dry your laundry on a clothes line. You’ll be surprised at the difference that comes from making these small changes.

Along with the appliances, unplug the electronics: TVs, DVD players, computer screens, modems, and cable boxes can all be unplugged if they’re not in use. A convenient way to do this is to hook your electronics up to a power strip. Then with one switch, you can cut the power to everything at once.

Don’t use an electric boiler or electric space heater. Both of these are highly inefficient, and most of the energy is lost before it even gets to your home. Instead, use gas to directly heat the water and your home, and insulate your house properly. Do use a water-saving shower head. This decreases the amount of (hot) water you use by half. A water-saving Cialis Jelly shower head with a solar or gas boiler uses ten times less energy than a traditional shower head and an electric boiler!

Saving money–and the environment–begins with replacing inefficient energy-guzzlers and being smart about energy use. It’s not hard, but the benefits are tremendous.

Author Bio: McAllister Retail Services, Inc. ( is an original equipment manufacturer of electric boilers and industrial steam irons with the highest standards of product performance.

Category: Home/Accessories
Keywords: electric boiler, industrial steam iron, steam press iron

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