How To Grow Grass?

You look out in the yard and what do you observe? Gravel, dirt, rough patches of grass here and there – specifically, an unattractive yard. What could make you despise the qappearance even more is if when you look over by the neigbours your eyes meet green, level and attractively neat lawn. Clearly, you would like a lawn like that. You want to convert your yard to “keep up with the Jones’s” and to make it more homely. You want to see your yard covered by green beauty free of weeds. The secret to having well-groomed lawns is planting grass, applying lawn fertilizers, good weed control customs and having a proper mowing regimen.

What exactly is grass? It is a kind of plant belonging to the group of Gramineae. There are nine thousand different classes of grass. Whether we believe it or not, grass is very crucial to our living. Some kind produce food for us such as rice, other types make up the diet for animals such as cows and some kinds are used in construction or to help stop soil erosion for example bamboo.

Individuals grow different types of grass on their lawns but it depends to a great extent on the kind of weather condition. Grass has fibrous roots so once planted, they extend around an area very rapidly to cover that unique place. If your goal is to have your yard carpeted in the beauty of green grass, here’s how to accomplish that goal:

Materials necessary:

Grass seeds

Hay or straw

Loose soil


Soil conditioner

Tools required:

Watering can

Metal rake


1. Use the metal rake to loosen the soil as a way of preparing it to plant grass.

2. Add phosphorus and soil conditioner to the soil to prepare it to give appropriate growth of grass.

3. Use the metal rake and till the soil again to be certain that the phosphorus and soil conditioner are properly mixed into the soil.

4. Spread the seeds by hand onto the empty soil.

5. Dampen the seeds using the watering can. By doing this, the soil will also be hydrated.

6. Cover by scattering loose soil over the seeds.

7. Spread some hay or straw over the area to supply the ideal growing conditions, especially the accurate temperature, for the grass.

8. Water cheapest cialis prices the grass at least two times per day to boost growth.

In no time you will have sprouts of grass on the lawn.


Do not apply seeds too thickly to an area as the nutrients in the soil will become insufficient for too much grass.

The suitable time to plant grass is in April and October and it has been found that seeds planted in October yield better growth on top of re-growth.

When planting the seeds, be sure to do so uniformly on the soil to prevent thick areas and thin areas which will give a “patchy appearance”.

It is always best to use a watering can rather than to use a hose because the hose is likely to wash away the seeds from the soil which would defeat the whole purpose of you planting them.

Before you plant any grass in your yard, it is very crucial to remove existing grass.

You may bear in mind edging the borders of the lawn where you want the grass to stop growing as this will provide a neater look when the grass has grown.

Do not walk on the lawn when you notice small green shoots. The grass is very delicate at this point and cannot withstand abuse so it needs to become full-grown

Author Bio: Please visit these links for more information on: How Levitra Professional to Grow Grass and Grow Grass.
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Category: Home/Gardening
Keywords: Grow Grass, Gardening tips, DIY

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