How to Lower the Pitch of Your Voice

Testosterone elongates the vocal chords and deepens the voice during puberty. These changes are welcomed because they are give off signals that the transition from boy to man has taken place. As well as women being more attracted to men with a deeper voice, men also tend to feel more confident to approach women, and typically have more sexual partners. Though people may claim otherwise, objectively, it’s hard to deny that we all make assumptions about people based on their voice. High pitch is often associated with anxiety and nervousness, while a low pitch indicates self confidence and low levels of stress. That’s stereotyping, but it’s something that most of us do.

All of the evidence suggests that testosterone is the agent responsible for the deepening of male voices. A ‘normal’ man’s voice is typically an octave lower than a woman’s voice. That deep male pitch is beacon, a broadcast, stating unequivocally, there’s testosterone in the room, so pay attention! Fortunately, there are options available for deepening your voice. Thyroplasty is a surgery that some may recommend. It’s really only meant to be used to repair damaged vocal chords, but an increasing amount of men are undergoing this risky surgery to lower the pitch of their voice. Personally, I think that’s unwise. Mistakes can be made, and your voice can be really screwed up. An alternative is to have fat injected into your vocal chords. This is also risky though, and it’s only a temporary solution.

Try this technique instead – when you speak, slowly exhale instead of holding in your breath. Try this as an experiment; first speak while holding your breath, then immediately repeat the words while exhaling slowly. Notice a difference?

You want to avoid speaking ‘through your nose’. Instead, bring the sound up from deep within your throat. Try speaking both ways right now, and you’ll notice a big difference. Don’t rush your words when you speak. Do a little test by saying the same phrase quickly, and then very slowly. You’ll see that fast speech raises the pitch, while slow speech lowers it. The good news is that you Brand Levitra can train your vocal chords to sound how you want them to sound. You can do this at home on yourself, or you can work with a vocal coach. Using a vocal coach will bring you the quickest results, but if you can’t afford one just yet, then do this exercise for 10-15 minutes every day…

Count from 1 to 30 in your normal speaking voice. Next, count from 1 to 100 in the lowest pitch that you can that doesn’t put a strain on your vocal chords. While counting, be mindful of all the suggestions above. Breath out slowly, speak softly, and bring the sound up from deep down in your throat. The key is relaxation. The more you push and strain, and try to speed up the process, the less swift your progress will be. It might takes weeks or months to achieve your goal, but you’ll get there in the end, so long as you’re motivated.

Author Bio: is a site dedicated to drug free solutions to help men overcome low testosterone cialis Cialis trial pack levels, decreased sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. There you’ll learn about affordable, over the counter testosterone boosters.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: low pitch voice, deep voice, speaking, public speaking, speeches, self help, self improvement

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