How to Market What Your Customers Really Want

Tens of thousands of dollars in sales are lost every week; both online and off, by marketers selling the wrong thing. It’s sad but true.

Why? It’s simple really: they are marketing their products or services, and not what their prospects are really looking to buy.

What people are looking to buy is not a tangible product or service. It is something more ethereal than concrete.

It has little or nothing to do with the product or service offered for sale.

That is not what people are buying anyway when they make a purchase.

Let me explain:

Most marketers focus their efforts on features of their product or service. Now, I’m not saying that features are not important, because they are. But they are not what sell a commodity.

People are not primarily concerned with how fast a widget goes, how high it bounces or what color it is. They are more concerned with “what’s in it for me?” Benefits offer that morsel to them; features do not.

This flies in the face of the general viagra pictures concept most marketers hold, but bear with me for a moment. To understand this, you must first understand the psychology of the sale.

People don’t buy with the logical center of their mind. They buy from their emotional center. Furthermore, they only buy for one of two reasons:

* To feel better or
* Hurt less

People make purchases to solve a problem they are facing. It doesn’t matter if that’s the need for a new automobile, a romantic vacation for two or legal advice. Viagra Professional They are buying a solution that makes them feel better or hurt less.

Features may tell you how fast a sports car can go, but the benefit is how good you feel as the owner of such Levitra Professional a vehicle. An accountant may offer ways to save money on your taxes, but the benefit is the loss of stress that’s kept you awake nights.

This is where the majority of business people make the same marketing mistake. They market the features and not the benefits.

Features appeal to the logical side, benefits appeal to the emotional side. People only buy from the emotional side and reinforce their purchase decisions after the fact from the logical side.

So, you see, what you market and what you actually deliver to customers are two very different things. What you market is hope for a solution to their problem. They hope your product or service will make them feel better or hurt less.

This is why an accurate, realistic understanding of your target market is imperative. Know what problems your potentials face and what their hopes and expectations are for relief.

Above all else, help them realize their dreams and aspirations by using your product or service as the vehicle to get there. Helping achieves their goals must always be your first consideration.

Give them what they really want and you’ll have found the goose that lays golden eggs many times over. Appeal to their motives for buying with benefits, reinforce that notion with features and watch your sales increase proportionally.

Author Bio: Mike Lawson is an internet marketing professional primarily focused on affiliate marketing. Visit Niche Praxis to grab our free report.

Category: Internet Marketing
Keywords: marketing strategies,tactics,how to market,marketing products,services

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