Investment Property: What Makes A Good Building Inspector

It is standard practice for us to include a building and pest inspection clause on the contract, whenever we buy a property.

Earlier this year I had an excellent experience with a building inspector. Our pest inspector referred the building inspector to me. I always use independent inspectors that I have sourced.

Here is a summary of the experience.

The building inspector called me to make a time to conduct the inspection. He asked if I was available to attend the inspection.

This may be normal practice, however other building or pest inspectors had not asked me that psa and propecia before.

He Cialis Jelly explained that he does prepare a comprehensive report after completing the inspection, however the client’s understanding of what is written in the report is enhanced by physically experiencing it. Reports can be open to interpretation or lack of understanding by the client given the technical nature of a building inspection.

On the day of the inspection the Building Inspector, Pest Inspector, Real Estate Agent and myself were present. This was ideal from my perspective, however can be quite daunting for the tenant or seller. Be mindful and respectful of the tenant or seller, because at that present time, it is their home.

I joined the building inspector as he completed the inspection. He had a clip-board with a report attached. He had previously emailed me a template of the report, so prior to the inspection I knew what was involved.

As he worked through the report, he explained each step of the inspection including:

– What he was inspecting and why.
– What signs he was looking for to indicate a problem with the property.
– Short and long-term consequences of problems found.
– Who to contact if problems are discovered.
– Whether the problem is considered significant or minor.
– Future consequences of problems identified.
– How the final risk profile of the property was determined.

He did not just complete the job he was paid to do. He educated me to ensure if I went ahead with the purchase it was based on a well-informed decision, rather than interpreting a report that I may or may not have understood.

Property investing is a long-term strategy. Building a team of professionals to support you on that journey is important. Experience will tell you when you have found your ideal building inspector. Real Estate Agents can often recommend a Building Inspector, however I have always preferred to source my own independent inspector.

Author Bio: Suzie Crawford works with people who are Kamagra jelly tired of working for others and want expert guidance on how to make money through property. Register here for free 8-week online Training Program PLUS receive bonuses to the value of $162.

Category: Finance/Real Estate
Keywords: investment properties,property investor,property investors,invest property,investments property

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