Is Your Self-Esteem Low And Have No Idea Why? Do you Compare Yourself To Others?

When you consider Brand Levitra that you have low self-esteem what you are really saying is that you think you are not worthy, don’t have as much value, can’t do things as well or as easily as you decide you want to be able.

The problem with this is that they are just ideas and have no basis in reality. They are thoughts you have about your-self in comparison to the rest of the world, i.e. anything or anyone that is not you.

The error is in the mind, not anywhere else. If you were to suddenly have self-esteem then all that would have changed is your attitude. You would still be you except you would now accept yourself as you find yourself now.

People with genuine high self-esteem give themselves a break.

They still make as many mistakes as you, they still notice that other people achieve so much more than they do, they still are single, they still are not loved by their parents how they want to be. The only difference is that these people have learned to make these things not be about them personally.

Human beings experience all these things I describe above. We have to if we continue to live in a world where it seems that I am me over here and you are you over there. In the world of duality, i.e. me and not me there will always be comparisons and judgments made. We can’t escape that while we hold the world in the same old way.

Blame it on being human. Blame it on having two brain hemispheres if you like. Do whatever you do but don’t make your failings or lack of achievement be because you are you! It is not like you created who you are, so maybe the you that you think you are can finally stop beating itself up.

This is what spiritual enlightenment is about. It is about accepting all that is brought unto you. You may not like it; you may even detest it. It might not be your preference to be this or that, or experience this or that, or not experience this or that but at the end of the day let it go. Did you design life and decide who you are? No.

The Cialis experience of self-esteem grows with acceptance. In fact I would say there is no such thing as self-esteem, there is simply making things be about you or acceptance. When you accept matters and make them be about the universe you experience what others typically call high cialis soft tablets self-esteem. When you make things be about you, you experience the resistance to what is and that hurts. Then you would say you have low self-esteem but it is really a lack of awareness of what is really going on.

The worse you feel the further your thoughts are from reality.

Author Bio: Glenn Smith is the author of
A website dedicated to helping individuals transform their experience
of themselves and of life through shadow-work and spiritual enlightenment.

Category: Personal Development
Keywords: low self-esteem, building confidence,

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