Menopause Headaches Can Be Treated Naturally

Shifting hormones during premenopause and menopause can often cause headaches. Some women will get migraines Cialis or other headaches for the first time. Others may see their migraines disappear. When you have a migraine headache, you are usually sensitive to light and noise, and you may also have nausea and vomiting. Migraines usually last at least four hours, and can be up to a week long.

If you are in your forties and getting these headaches for the first time, that could be a sign that you are entering perimenopause. does propecia really work Perimenopause is the term for the years leading up to menopause, when physiological Brand Levitra changes begin to occur, often resulting in different symptoms.

In addition to shifting hormones, headaches can be caused by high blood pressure, birth control pills, or hormone replacement therapy. Another issue that can arise in perimenopause is new food allergies or insensitivities. One of the symptoms of a food allergy is a headache.

There are steps you can take, both to prevent menopause headaches, and to help relieve the pain once you have one. In addition to medications, there are several natural approaches that can be effective with headaches. Herbs, vitamins, exercise, and changing your diet are some approaches that can work. Once you determine the cause of your headache, it will be easier to tailor an effective approach for prevention or pain reduction. Some herbs that can help are feverfew, scullcap, peppermint oil and lavender oil.

Progesterone cream can help with menopause headaches, but it can also cause headaches. This is where you need you learn to listen to your body. I have found that caffeine can do the same. During perimenopause I was drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. Once I cut back to two, my headaches disappeared. They came back a year or so later, and I started using progesterone cream. This eliminated my headaches, gave me better sleep and stabilized my moods. Once I had built up enough progesterone in my system, using more of it started giving me a mild headache in the morning.

Biofeedback is a way of becoming conscious of some of your body’s processes and then learning to change them. Blood pressure and temperature are two of the processes one can learn to change with biofeedback. You can buy your own machine for around $100 or get trained by a biofeedback specialist. Once you are trained, you no longer need the machine to produce the results.

Acupuncture is one of the treatments used by Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practice has been used for thousands of years in China. Acupuncture is the use of needles along certain points of your body to relieve pain. Many insurance companies will cover acupuncture.

Exercise can also help to clear your blood of excess hormones if that is the problem.

A simple walk or a few yoga exercises may do the trick.

Headaches can be a symptom of menopause, or you may find your headaches disappearing during this time. If you do start getting headaches, there are many natural remedies to explore.

Author Bio: To find out more, visit menopause headaches

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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