Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal May Be A Solution

A vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure used on men to prevent the passage of sperm from the cialis prescription Kamagra Gold online testicles to the prostate gland by severing and sealing the vans deferens tubes connecting them. Though vasectomy has been researched since as early as 1830, it only started to become popular as a form of birth control in the U.S. in the early 1960s. Now, as many as 50 million men have had a vasectomy, currently about one out of six men over the age of 35. It is now the third most common form of family planning, led by oral contraception and female sterilization.

Vasectomy should always be considered as a permanent sterilization procedure, after which no further children will subsequently be sired. As with all surgical procedures, there are also some risks to be considered as well as possible post-surgical complications. It is important to consider all implications for the future and a thorough risk assessment weighed against the risks of other forms of birth control and personal circumstances before choosing this elective procedure.

In general, it offers the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention and lowest medical risk for a couple, making it an effective and popular choice.

There are many couples who feel their families are complete and seek a permanent prevention of further pregnancies. 95% of men who have opted for a vasectomy are very satisfied with the procedure and happy they did it. Most report improved sex lives as a result of the ability to enjoy unprotected sexual intercourse without the worry of a resulting pregnancy. However, life circumstances often change, and about 5% of men who have had a vasectomy later seek a reversal in order to father another child.

Vasectomy reversals have higher success rates the sooner they are performed, ideally within three years. After that, the chances of success slowly deteriorate. Other factors that influence the chance of success are the age and general health of the man and the quality of the original vasectomy procedure. Statistically, microsurgical vasectomy reversals result in the return of sperm in 75 – 97% of patients, with a 30 – 75% rate of successful pregnancies in their partners, often within 18 months.

One of the greatest factors in a successful reversal is the skill and experience of the surgeon in vasectomy reversals and microsurgical procedures. It is acceptable and encouraged to ask a surgeon about the number of procedures performed and success rate. A qualified surgeon will be happy to provide that documented information along with the willingness prescription cialis online to answer all of your questions and concerns to assist you in making the informed decision that is right for you and your family.

Author Bio: (http://www.micro-vas-reversals.com/) Vasectomy reversal doctors throughout the United States have performed successful microsurgical vasectomy reversal on men who wish to re-establish their fertility.

Category: Business
Keywords: microsurgical vasectomy reversals, vasectomy reversal doctors, vasectomy reversals

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