Numerology and Music

My friend Rohan Brooks grew up with my children, and during his teens I taught him to play My Numbers Game. As he played and learnt the game he quietly took in all of its fun and information.

The game pointed out that Rohan was indeed a unique personality. He had some pretty unusual talents and that he was indeed a humanitarian.

Business was his major lesson and an unusual life of constant action and frustration would emerge. He would have to fight hard to grow his self confidence.

He had a natural skill to cut out all the noise and concentrate on exactly one subject at a time. Rohan was always tapping and at any point of the day or night you could ask him what song was playing in his head and he would be able to tell you exactly what note he was up to.

If you could have seen Rohan at age 16 with this very favorite checked shirt and the black tee hanging out from underneath, Kamagra Soft you probably wouldn’t have thought he would amount to much. That black tee was his absolute favorite piece of clothing. It had long tails of the fabric worn and hanging from the hem, it was his off beat look. He wore and wore it! Rohan’s Nana came to visit and did the washing.

After hanging the black tee on the line she neatly trimmed off all the hanging bits. Never have I seen such an expression of disbelief on a person’s face in all my life! Roh’s favorite tee – being neatened up! Laughing was really of the question – his frustration was intense!

Playing the game told him his fame would come; he would do remarkable things in a most unusual way. I told him I would be old and grey when this happened and that he would have world fame. I am sure Rohan believed in at the time, or was at least hopeful.

His passion is music and his heart is so open to truth and helping others. How can I tell this? The game says it all. Rohan as gone onto create a music therapy system, and works with disabled people. Their band Rudely Interrupted was the first disabled band to play at the United Nations on the Day of the Disabled in New York in 2009. Rohan has gone on to tour and play gigs with these talented, extraordinary musicians.

Could you or I have achieved that outcome? Maybe or maybe not! Rohan has a special mission and has learnt from My Numbers Game how to overcome obstacles, to create success.

If you ever get a chance to watch their documentaries, you will see how hard it was to get this little band from Greensborough in suburban Melbourne, Australia to the world stage. It took years of immense practice, uncountable levels of frustration and an idealistic attitude that would not diminish. With Rohan’s ability to seek out business opportunities the band became successful.

Playing My Numbers Game can really sort you out, get you on track and help you achieve your highest success. I will teach you very quickly how to work through success and failure and what your greatest assets and negatives are.

We all have an idea of ourselves and it is usually set in concrete. Apart from environmental legacies of common phrases that equate to who we are. We have a mind that grabs two second sound bites and believes them as truth for life.

They come from family and friends who love us and who know us best so it must be true. In the next few chapters I will teach you a game that will open your mind to understanding yourself in a completely different way.

You are about to get deeply acquainted with who you really are, why your success has No prescription cialis been on holiday and how to bring it back to life. Inside we have an inner soft sound that hums through our life. It is like a Porsche motor that purrs in the background as you drive along.

Occasionally when life goes quiet we become aware of its vibration. We stop for a minute and listen. Then the bus arrives, we hop on and read the newspaper. That hum, that inner vibration is our real self. It is not hiding; it is not doing anything buy propecia 5mg because it is not activated.

My Numbers Game will set in motion a new idea of who you are and how to jump over the road blocks with ease.
We are here for success. Failure is just the bus stop we wait at until we learn how to play My Numbers Game.

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Category: Music
Keywords: numerology,humour,music,spiritual,motivational,disability,skill,hobbies,success,self,

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