Repairing Versus Replacing Your Mitral Valve

Your heart has four distinct valves that help regulate the direction of your blood as it flows through the organ. They are the mitral, tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonary valves. They open and close as the result of pressure placed upon them.

Your mitral valve (MV) sits between Tadacip your left atrium and left ventricle. Pressure is placed upon it by each chamber’s contractions, which cause the leaflets to open and close according to your heart’s rhythm.

An MV that is stenotic (i.e. narrowed or restricted) or regurgitant (i.e. leaking) affects the flow of blood between the chambers. In the case of stenosis, the atrium is forced to work harder to pump blood through a narrowed passageway into the ventricle. In the case of regurgitation, blood can leak from the ventricle back into atrium through the MV’s flapping leaflets. This can lead to arrhythmias and endocarditis (infection).

If the valve’s defect is mild, your doctor may prescribe medications such as anticoagulants and beta blockers. More serious problems require a different approach. Below, we’ll explore the two main forms of treatment for addressing severe stenosis and regurgitation: mitral valve repair (MVR) and replacement.

Options To Repair The Valve

There are several types of procedures that a surgeon can perform in order to repair the MV. For example, if the valve is stenotic due to thickening in the flaps, the surgeon can expand the opening by making incisions into the leaflets. This is an operation called commissurotomy. If regurgitation is occurring, a procedure called valvuloplasty can be performed. The surgeon will position a ring around the perimeter of the valve’s opening to provide additional support for the flaps.

In some cases, the mitral valve is regurgitant due to an abnormally long leaflet. A surgeon can reshape the flap by cutting away a portion and sewing it back together. If leaking occurs due to an accumulation of calcium on the flaps, decalcification is usually effective. Sometimes, regurgitation is caused by abnormalities in the chords that support the valve. If this is the case, a chordal shortening or transfer can help the MV close properly.

Means Of Replacement

If the mitral valve is severely damaged or defective, it may not be possible to repair it. In that case, the surgeon will need to replace it. This is usually done if symptoms present and the patient’s life is at risk.

There are two types of replacements: mechanical and biological. Mechanical replacements are constructed of synthetic materials such as metal Brand Levitra or plastic. They’re durable, but can lead to blood clots; the patient is usually required to take anticoagulant medications. Biological replacements are created from tissue taken from an animal or human (including the patient). They are less durable and need to be replaced every ten years, but often do not require the patient to take anticoagulants.

Mitral valve repair, especially when it is performed with a minimally invasive approach, is almost always a better option than replacing the valve. As always, consult your physician to determine which form of treatment is appropriate for your personal circumstances.

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: mitral valve disease, mitral valve surgery, mitral valve repair, atrial fibrillation, maze procedure

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