Second Best Way To Avoid A DUI

As many can probably guess, the best way to avoid a charge of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is simply cialis 20 mg dosage to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Legally, there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol, though, providing that you have reached the minimum legal drinking Kamagra age and do not consume more than the legal limit. Therefore, the key is not always to keep from drinking altogether, but to learn how and when to stop so as to limit your alcohol consumption.

Keep in mind that, for some people, the signal to stop drinking before it’s too late comes past the point of control.

Once your body tells you that you are becoming too drunk to drive, you are likely well over the legal limit. In addition, your blood alcohol content, or BAC in legalese, continues to rise over a few hours time, instead of starting to drop right away. For that reason, you could stop and still be too drunk to drive even a couple of hours later, and you could still be arrested for DUI.

Some people have no desire to quit drinking entirely, and instead have to rely on methods of controlling their consumption Viagra Jelly in order to keep from getting intoxicated. There are a few ways to do this, based on individual preference and what works best for you. They include:

1. Keeping track of what you are drinking is helpful. If you know that you have already had two drinks, then you may want to stop drinking in order to be able to function normally. Remembering your limit, whether it is one drink or five, is the best way to avoid a DUI.

2. Limit yourself to a specific number of drinks, even if you are not yet feeling buzzed when you finish that number. Drink them slowly and patiently, so that you are not tempted to get more later. This can also help decrease the amount of alcohol in your system when it comes time to leave.

3. Do not drink if you are stressed or feeling overly emotional. This will lead to drinking more heavily, and you may wind up driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated. There are many other ways to relieve stress that are much more effective and much less dangerous to yourself and others.

4. If you know that a lot of your friends will be drinking heavily at a gathering, consider showing up late or leaving early, or not going at all. People who drink socially are sometimes more likely to drink more when others are drinking heavily. Avoid the temptation by leaving before you can become too intoxicated to drive, or just make up your mind to see your friends when they are not drinking.

This information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

Author Bio: William Bly of Nielsen and Bly is a Portland OUI lawyer and provides more information about Maine OUI on the firm’s website.

Category: Legal/National, State, Local
Keywords: drunk driving, alcohol, OUI, DUI, laws, lawyer, Maine, attorney

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