The Differences Between Porcelain and Melamine Whiteboards

If you’re shopping for a dry-erase board, you’re going to have to decide between a porcelain or melamine one. If you’re wondering what the difference was, so are a lot of people. It can be puzzling to understand why these products are so different and why porcelain boards are so much more expensive. This article will take a look at the difference between these two surfaces so that when you need to choose one, you’ll pick the one that is best for both your needs and your budget.


Most of the inexpensive whiteboards have a melamine surface. Melamine is essentially plastic that’s backed by pressboard. It has a clear-coat surface on which you write. One the benefits of plastic is that it’s inexpensive. It’s good for occasional use, so if you need a whiteboard you’re going to use only once in a while and you’re on a budget, a melamine board is a great choice. However, these products need to be cleaned after almost every use otherwise they will become stained and ghosted. These products also scratch easily and none of them are magnetic. Plus, if you use a permanent marker, your board will be permanently stained, so be sure to use dry-erase markers only if you select a plastic surface.


As the name suggests, porcelain surfaces are ceramic. They are backed by steel, making them extremely durable as well as magnetic, so your whiteboard can double as a bulletin board which can be very convenient. These products do need to be cleaned, but propecia penile shrinkage they’re very resistant to staining and Brand Viagra ghosting because the ink won’t be absorbed by the glass. Thus, if you want a board for the long haul, a ceramic surface is ideal. You can use a porcelain whiteboard everyday and if you take good care of it, it will still look brand new even after you’ve been using it for years. However, ceramic boards have one drawback in that they tend to be pretty expensive. But chances are you’ll never have to replace it, which can save you money right there.

As for which surface you should choose, it depends on a couple of factors. The first one is your budget.

If money is tight, a melamine whiteboard might be a better choice at the moment Levitra Professional although if you don’t take care of it, you’ll need to replace it. Porcelain tends to be a better investment, especially if you’ll be using your board a lot. Second, think about how much you plan on using your new whiteboard. For occasional or personal use, a melamine surface will suffice. Otherwise, porcelain is your best bet. Also, if you’d like to use your whiteboard to pin up notices, signs, and other documents, porcelain is definitely the way to go simply because melamine isn’t magnetic.

Once you’ve determined which surface is best for your needs, you’re ready to start shopping for your board. Whichever board you choose, make sure you feel comfortable with it. Melamine and porcelain both have their drawbacks and advantages, so choose carefully. If you do so, you’ll definitely choose the right whiteboard for your needs.

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Category: Business
Keywords: melamine whiteboards,differences between porcelain,between porcelain,melamine surface,melamine board

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