The Effect Dry Cleaning Has On The Environment And How You Can Help

You can often literally smell toxic odors when you walk through the door of most dry cleaners. Do you realize that you are paying with your hard earned money to have your finest clothes soaked in harsh chemicals that are not only toxic to you but to the environment as well?

Most dry cleaners use a chemical that is called perchlorethylene (perc), which has many negative health effects from something as small as a headache to something as severe as kidney damage. The EPA has proven chemicals to be hazardous to their workers and the people living in close proximity to the facility.

Traditional dry cleaning facilities pollute the water, air and ground. The release of toxic vapors while transferring clothes propecia symptoms from washers to dryers as well as venting coming from the dryer exhaust airstream is damaging the environment.

What Can You Do?

Choosing a high quality dry cleaner that cares about the environment is the most important thing you can do. Professional dry cleaners are aware of issues and are doing their part to make changes. Ask your cleaner to explain their cleaning methods and safety practices and how they handle their waste streams. If your dry cleaner offers the new wet-cleaning system, consider using this option instead.

Additionally, if you can smell solvent upon entering the facility, you may want to consider checking out the dry cleaner on the next corner. There are enough of them to be choosy. Professional dry cleaners will also offer reusable dry cleaning bags so be sure to ask if they have this option available.

Positive Changes Dry Cleaners Are Making

There is approximately 30,000 dry cleaners across the United States that share concerns presented from cleaning solvents. Many cleaners have taken steps and reduced their use of harsh chemicals by 60%. They did this by replacing old equipment with newer models that reduce vapors leaking into the air and by utilizing better waste management techniques.

An increasing amount of dry cleaners are utilizing new practices that significantly reduce toxic exposures. Regular cleaning, maintenance and inspection of equipment Brand Levitra helps reduce perc emissions. Some dry cleaners are also installing vapor barriers as well Tadacip as building enclosed rooms that stop perc from escaping into the air.

Make A Difference

If Green dry cleaning isn’t available yet in your city you can make simple changes to make a big difference. Many items that are marked “dry clean only” do just fine being hand washed. Avoid the toxins, save your money and take the time to hand wash your garments.

Also, natural fabrics such as wool do not require constant cleaning and they can be aired out. In the future, avoid buying dry clean only clothing and explore wrinkle-free options. More designers are offering Eco-friendly fabrics that do not require as much care. Finally, use reusable bags when dropping off your dry cleaning. This is the easiest step you can take to help the environment. There is absolutely no need to use a standard plastic bag and throw it away.

Author Bio: Eliza Reeder writes articles that deal with environmental concerns and eco-friendly living. She encourages everyone to help protect our planet’s future by doing things like using reusable dry cleaning bags. You can find more eco-friendly living tips on her reusable bags site.

Category: Society
Keywords: dry cleaning, green living, eco-friendly, reusable dry cleaning bags, clothing, laundry

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