The Key To A Healthy Lawn Is In The Length

Anybody with a house probably would love to have a beautiful lawn. Once you have installed sod, and it has taken root and is really starting to look like a full lawn, there is one simple but often overlooked principle to keep your lawn healthy.

Many homeowners mow the lawn every few days to maintain a short, manicured look to their lawns. While this practice may look nice, it actually makes it very difficult to maintain healthy grass. During the hot summer months, when the sun is beating down on your lawn and temperatures are high, moisture will evaporate very quickly from grass that is cut short. buy cialis brand This means that in order to keep Tadacip the lawn looking green, you will have to be watering very frequently. This is not only costly, but also impractical in dryer climates. Grass that maintains a good length will be able to retain moisture more easily, and will ultimately be a greener, more efficient lawn.

Another reason to leave the grass a bit longer, is for weed control. When grass is long, it provides shade to the soil below. This makes it difficult for weeds to take root and grow, because the seedlings aren’t able to receive proper sunshine exposure. This will help keep your lawn from becoming tangled and coarse with weeds. A weed free lawn is a beautiful lawn.

Maintaining a good length in your lawn will also promote the growth of soil microbes, by keeping the soil cool during the hot summer months. Soil microbes are an important source of food production for plants, because they convert the nutrients in the soil into a usable form. Also, mulching your grass clippings and leaving them on the lawn is a good practice, because they help return nitrogen to the soil.

Many people make the mistake of watering their lawn during the hottest part of the day, thinking that a lawn will need water the most during intense heat. Lawns aren’t like human beings. Just because it is hot outside, and your lawn looks thirsty, doesn’t mean it is. The absolute best time to water Brand Levitra is either during the very early morning, or the late evening. This will ensure that most of the water is able to sink down to the roots, before it is evaporated by the hot sun. Watering during the hot parts of the day is simply going to require an extreme amount of water, because so much will evaporate. It is also much better to water your lawn with less frequency, but more quantity, rather than just a little bit every day.

The easiest key to having a beautiful lawn is in the length.

Long grass is healthy grass. And besides, who really wants to be mowing the lawn that often anyway?

Author Bio: ( offers one of the best bluegrass sod in the area.

Category: Business
Keywords: bluegrass sod, buy sod, sod farms in

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