Training for a better body and a better life

Everybody wants to have a tone sexy body. I do, you do, and your neighbor that lives two blocks down does as well.

The Brand Viagra only difference between the people that want to have a nice body and those that actually do is this: THEY DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I’m not going to claim that I am some expert that has gone to 4 years of Physical Training School or that I can name all the essential amino acids that your body needs, but I do have a little experience in getting fit.

Half the battle is just getting off the couch, buying those running shoes, and getting into the gym. The second half is knowing what to do when you are there, so here are some tips that will help you succeed in your quest to a better body and a better you.

Cardio and Weight Training are like Batman and Robin: They are good separate, but best when together. Cardio activities include running, biking and swimming and Weight Training is in the gym.

The Weight Training will build your muscles and the Cardio will get rid of the fat covering your muscles to give you that lean, ripped look. In my experience it is more important to work on Weight Training because if done right it will be a Cardio workout as well.

Here are some exercises to tryout next time you hit the Gym. Remember that the higher the weight and the more muscle groups, the more your body is going to work and improve.

-Shoulders: Shoulder Press with Free Weight Dumbbells: Sit on a bench and with Dumbells in each hand steadily push them up towards the sky until arms are fully extended.

-Arms: Close grip Pull-up: Hold onto a freestanding bar that is high enough to ensure your feet won’t cialis cheap be touching the ground, then pull up. Easy as that.

-Legs: Squat: Stand with a bar on your shoulders and squat down until thighs are parallel to the ground then stand straight again. (If uncomfortable with form, ask a gym attendant or a friend that knows how to correctly position your body during the exercise)

-Chest: Dumbbell Fly: Lie on a bench, keeping elbows slightly bent and lower dumbbells then raise them slightly. (Elbows should not be moving a lot, focus on your peck muscles and let them do the work)

-Back: Rows: Hold weight and stand bent over so that you are parallel to the ground. Lower weight and raise back up so that it touches your torso (seated row may also be used if you have the equipment)

Remember that if you have questions, the people who are at gyms are usually friendly and willing to give pointers with your form. You’ll be building muscle in no time.

Another point very important to health is the Cardio Vascular aspect. This involves working your heart and is beneficial to overall health and wellness.

These activities usually will complement your workout routine because they will utilize the different muscle groups and also burn the fat that is encasing your muscles. Let’s get started.

Running: It’s important to have a good shoe or you might hurt yourself. Pick one that is comfortable and supports your feet in a natural way.

Lace them up and hit the road, or if you want to run without every going anywhere you can buy a treadmill. These let you run at your own pace and provide the convenience to do it in your own home.

Run with a goal, not just until you are tired. Train yourself to run a 5k, 10k, or why not the full 26.2 miles of a Marathon.

Swimming: Learn the technique and go often. Swimming is probably the best exercise because it has very low joint impact and forces you to work hard.

Biking: Buy a bike that you like, because you will have it for a while. No need to go oober fancy, but getting one that is comfortable and a good fit is a must.

Be safe. You are now sharing the road with motorized vehicles and things can get scary if you don’t pay attention to your surroundings.

That’s it! You are on your way to a better body and a better life. Don’t give up and who knows, maybe I’ll see you at the next Triathlon.

Author Bio: Terry Daniels is a avid triathlon participant. At age 25 he was overweight and worried about his future. He began working out and now loves to exercise. Terry has run 6 marathons and been a participant in 13 triathlons. He recommends using strength equipment for training equipment.

Contact Info:
Terry Daniels
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Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: strength equipment

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