Writing Feature Articles – Really What Do I Write Articles About

You may have learned how much Article Marketing can drive traffic to a website.

You may also know that all the BIG Internet Gurus viagra discount do it. What you may not know is how to get started writing feature articles and what to write articles about. Do you have to be an expert or have a degree on everything you write about? Nope…you do not! Discover the secrets to writing feature articles and what to write about.

Most people writing feature articles are writing in order to either get a point across, share their knowledge or ultimately promote a product or service. If you are an Internet Marketer, you are probably sharing your knowledge while promoting a product. This article has been written with that perspective in mind.

– What are you promoting? If you are promoting a product or giving away a free report; then this can be accomplished by including links to your landing page or products in your bio box and not in the content of your article. With this in mind, you should write articles about topics that are interesting enough to draw your reader in so he/she reads the complete article and clicks the link in your bio box.

Now you may ask “so what do I write articles about?” The answer to this question is quite simple. Write articles about topics that are centered around or are related to the product you are promoting without being too obvious or overbearing about it. For instance, if you are promoting a “dog training e-book,” you might write articles about “how to stop dogs from barking at night” or “how to keep a dog from chasing cars.”

– Keyword research. Find out what people are searching for related to your niche and write article about that. The easiest way to do this is to use Tadacip Google’s external keyword tool. It is a free and highly useful source of information. It is as simple as entering in a seed keyword such as “dog training” and then allowing the tool to give you suggestions of long tail keywords such as “best dog training book.” Write articles about these long tail keywords and use them as title suggestions for article titles.

– What are other authors writing articles about? Check out article directories to find out what other authors are writing articles about. Search your niche on the article directory to find out what articles have been recently published and which articles have the highest views. If other authors are writing about these topics, it is a pretty good chance if you write about the same topics your article will be read as well.

– Check the Forums. Find forums concentrating on the niche you have picked. Do a search on Google for “forum: Levitra your niche”. Then check out the forums to see what people are talking about and asking questions about. If you can reveal a problem and you have a solution to the problem, then this should be your article title.

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Category: Internet Marketing/Article Marketing
Keywords: writing feature articles,Write Articles About,write articles,writing articles,feature articles

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