A Display That Is More Than A Gimmick

I’ve been involved in quite a few trade shows over the last decade or so, and I’ve seen some very interesting tactics used by promoters to attract people to their display spaces. Usually, there is some sort of gimmick, like people giving away novelty goods or food, and once I even saw people throwing foam rubber dice at each others and people passing by, cast in the color and with the logo of the company that they were representing.

At a trade show, 90% of the game is getting people to stop and look at what you have to offer, with the other 10% consists of answering questions and gleaning their contact information. As campy as it may seem, the better your gimmick, be it attractive models or madcap antics, the better chance you have cheapest cialis prices of making a connection. For some people, attending the trade show is all Brand Levitra about collecting freebees, and so the more memorable your offering, the more likely your contact will turn into business.

But what if you could do that without a gimmick? What if your display was so amazing that you could almost get away with not having anyone presenting and still draw a crowd, still have people want to leave their information and want you to contact them? Of course, I wouldn’t recommend leaving a display Tadacip unattended, but how much better would your chances be if you could have something so amazing that it would naturally draw a crowd? I think I’ve come across something that I wish had been available to me when I was doing a lot of presenting.

I was doing some online browsing, and on a tip from a friend, I checked out some good displays. These were absolutely amazing! Printed on fabric and designed to be used with a collapsible framework that can be carried in a duffel size bag, it is a dream for the presenter that must travel long distances. I’ve presented for a couple of companies at shows in Japan, and being able to check my display through as regular baggage would have been a godsend.

More importantly, these displays are absolutely gorgeous and seem to reach out and grab the attention of those attending the show. The designs are unique, and the concept behind them is absolutely amazing. The next time I represent a company in a show, I definitely plan to use some of the other display options.

Author Bio: KMG Company (http://www.kmgcompany.com/) is a premier sales, service & warranty dealership for Entasi Tradeshow Booths serving all states in the U.S.A.

Category: Culture and Society
Keywords: entasi, entasi displays

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