Aziz Ansari Tickets – ‘Parks & Recreation’ Star Set to Host MTV Movie Awards

He’s got the monotone voice down and can bring an audience to tears without breaking a sweat, or breaking his straight face. His claim to fame might lie in the infamous Saturday Night Live skit “The Human Giant,” but Aziz Ansari’s skills go way beyond that late-night television show. Currently on his Dangerously Delicious Tour, Ansari is busy stopping and performing his live stand-up across the country and he was recently tapped to host this year’s 19th annual MTV Movie Awards, broadcasting live on June 6th.

“I thought it would be a good fit – I love doing stand up and I love making short films,” he said in a statement. If you haven’t laughed yet at Ansari’s character on Parks and Recreation or seen any of his skits from Saturday Night Live, get into the 21st century and go online, where Aziz Ansari tickets are now available.

Though he’s not taking over the role of Samantha in the new film Sex and the City 2, as rumored, he is preparing new comedy skits for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards – stuff that he is hoping to get everyone excited for. “The people that host these shows for you guys,” he said to MTV, “obviously I’m a huge fan – everyone from Ben Stiller to Sarah Silverman to Andy Samberg. I’m very flattered to be among such good company. I’m just so excited.” Admitting that he’s been preparing by watching a ton of films (including Avatar, Twilight and An Viagra Jelly Education) as well as writing, Ansari hopes to stand out with his own moments this year.

Hardly one to keep a straight face for long, Ansari couldn’t be more eager to join the ranks of some of Hollywood’s most favorite comedians. While he doesn’t expect to get as much talk as Bruno landing on Eminem’s head, he knows that the MTV Movie Award is a place “where anything can happen.” In all seriousness, Ansari has been doing his homework – preparing to parody some MTV film favorites while asking advice of former hosts. Ansari is sure to stand out with his comedy skills this June.

Though his role as Amy Poehler’s co-worker in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation was his first feature role, Ansari has long been performing on the small screen. Building a career with smaller roles in Scrubs, Observe and Report and comedy shows like Saturday Night Live, Ansari initially found fame when he worked with “The Human Giant” comedy troupe. Though Ansari performed standup in college, following graduation he went into Internet advertising business. It wasn’t long before he realized his Manhattan based gigs could earn him enough money on their own, and left the “real world” for a life behind the microphone.

Eventually he met up with the Upright Citizens Brigade (following a brief college stint) and became a regular for “Crash Test,” a showcase at UCB Theater. The “Human Giant” team was a series on MTV for two years, just before Ansari took on the role in 2008’s pilot series Parks and Recreation. Since, he’s stared in feature films and released a full length album and DVD, Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening.

Author Bio: This article is sponsored by StubHub. is a leader in the business of selling Aziz Ansari tickets, as well as sports tickets, concert tickets, cialis price theater tickets and special events tickets.

Category: Humor
Keywords: Aziz Ansari, humor, comedy, comedian, tickets, stand up, entertainment

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