Buying A Home: The Importance Of A Thorough Residential Inspection

Buying a home is one of the biggest and most important investments you will ever make in your life. It can take months to find that perfect property for you and your family that has the right floor plan, is located in the ideal geographic area, fulfills your needs and desires, and is available at an affordable Viagra Professional price within your budget. Once you finally find it, it can be tempting to let your emotions rule and jump in to sign that contract. With such an enormous investment, however, two words should always remain foremost in your mind: buyer beware.

Unlike a car or other large investment, you can’t simply trade in a “lemon” when you’re talking about residential property. No matter how new or beautiful a house may appear on the surface, there could be major problems lurking underneath that can result in serious financial loss. Before you commit to the purchase of any home, even one that is brand new, you need to hire an experienced residential inspector to ensure that you are fully aware and informed of exactly what you are committing to.

A licensed home inspector is entirely independent of the home seller and your real estate agent. In fact, by law, an inspector must be unbiased and have no stake in the sale, or even offer advice to a homeowner as far as buying or not buying a property. Though most real estate agents are undoubtedly fine, honest people, their job and desire is to sell property for the resulting commission, not necessarily to represent your best interest. Therefore, an agent might gloss over potentially expensive problems or mislead in order to make the sale. A home inspector has no such interest, being paid a flat fee to perform the inspection service. The home inspector works for you and no other.

A thorough home inspection will include examination of the structural components, foundation, attic, roofing, siding, and grading. It will include examination of the home systems including heating, air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing. It is highly recommended to be present during the inspection so that the inspector can educate you on the home systems as well as point out any potential problems or issues that may be discovered. It may also be wise to have the inspector do tests for radon, lead, water quality, and pests at the same time.

There is no substitute for a thorough, professional home inspection by a licensed inspector. The cost is minimal, especially Levitra Professional compared to the serious risks of discovering too late about problems that would have been uncovered.

Author Bio: ( offers the best home inspections Massachusetts.

Category: Business
Keywords: home inspections massachusetts, residential inspections, licensed home inspector

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