Can Diet And Exercise Get Rid Of Cellulite

You are sick and tired of your ugly cellulite and want to get rid of it. You have tried many skin treatments and cellulite creams, but nothing seemed to work, but have you tried exercising to get rid of your cellulite?

Before we go on to explore the benefit of exercising and dieting to banish cellulite, you should have a little understanding Viagra Jelly about what it is and why it occurs to you. You see, having those orange peel dimpled skin has a large part to do with your genetics, experts say. You may not know this, but as many as 90% of women have them in some form or another.

Cellulite is actually body fat, but it just look different from the other body fat. It looks like clumps of dimpled skin and often shows up Kamagra on your thighs, hips, butts and sometimes on the upper arms too. It can be manifested in a mild form when you need to pinch your skin to see it. But it can be very distressful in its more severe forms when the bumps and valleys can be visually seen.

The question is why cellulite affliction is much more common in women than in men? This is because the body fat in women contains fibrous bands and usually accumulates beneath the skin in the thighs, hips, and butts in zigzag uneven rows due partly to hormonal influences. This occurence allows the fat to push through the connective tissues that keeps the body fat distributed evenly thereby causing the bumps and valleys that appear as cellulite. On the contrary, the subcutanous fat in men usually occur in even rows and this is the main reason why most men do not suffer from having cellulite under their skin.

Now that we have establised that genetics and fat cells play a major role in whether you will have cellulite or not, then it can be said that losing weight or getting rid of your excess fat can play a big role in eliminating the cellulite you have on your body.

So can exercise and diet help you to get rid of cellulite? Well, doctors and dermatologists agree that it can help in some way. Dr Weiss who presented a paper on cellulite treatment at the American Academy said, “I think you can improve it somewhat with repetitive, low weight lower body exercises using free weights or weight resistant machines. Also include cardio exercise for overall fat burning.”

Dr Wayne Wescott PhD suggested that if you are overweight, you should focus on a calorie reduction diet to shed the extra pounds, as well as performing regular weight resistance training and cardio exercise to see improvement in your cellulite condition. Dr Wayne is a medical author and fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts.

So there you have it. Although dieting and exercisng may not get rid of all the cellulite in your body, it can certainly help in many ways. After all, cellulite is body fat and the less body fat you have, the less visible will the cellulite be. Furthermore, if you train with weights and build some muscle tone, your taut skin will further reduce the visibility of any existing cellulite.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. Read his free articles at How To Get Rid Of Cellulite and How To Lose Weight For Girls

Category: Women’s Issues
Keywords: how to, get rid of cellulite, lose weight, exercise, diet

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