Can You Make A Profit From E Cards?

The internet has become somewhere that things are often found for free. This is true to the extent that many businesses find it hard to turn a profit – simply because people expect to find things for free. This might be thought to be true of the e-message business too, because of how easy it is to copy such items and send them to whom you wish. In this article we’ll examine how the e-card business model has developed, and we’ll ask if it is a viable business opportunity.

For those who are unfamiliar with electronic cards, the term stands for ‘electronic cards’ – greetings cards that are made on computers and sent over the internet. They have proved to be very popular both in their free and paid forms. The key problem, especially when the internet started out, was that if e cards were too large in size, they took too long to download and too long to open – important when people have Kamagra Soft such rapidly diminishing attention spans in today’s world.

This problem with electronic greetings cards and many other forms of internet animation was solved, to a large degree, by the Macromedia company, who developed a program called Flash. The brand is now in the hands of Adobe, but it remains a very popular way of producing motion graphics and animation. It has meant that relatively long or elaborate e cards have been developed – to the degree where they, certainly in terms of paid e-greetings cards, have become more like short animated films than greetings cards. Flash also has the ability to handle sound as well – very important if the creator wishes to add extra emotion to the card – and is especially important if the creator or animator wishes to add to the sense of humour.

But how do you get people to spend real money of e greetings cards? It is difficult, but presentation is the key – as is quality. People will only pay for e cards when they know they are getting Levitra something extra special. If you look at some of the various websites that offer these kinds of services, you’ll discover that many of them have invested heavily in skilled animators – making the final products impressive.

There are various methods used to protect the revenue of electronic cards companies. Sometimes these cards are paid for on a one-off basis, and sometimes they are paid for by a subscription service – which means that the buyer can send a certain number of e cards over an agreed period.

The success of such greetings cards suggests that there is still money to be made in this industry – so long as there is a significant investment in quality output.

Author Bio: Dom Donaldson is an e cards expert.
Find out more about e cards and the services offered from Katies Cards.

Category: Culture and Society/Consumer
Keywords: e cards

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