Cold Sores: What Are Your Top Cold Sore Questions?

Many folks have questions Kamagra Gold about cold sores. A lot of information I have seen is misleading, inaccurate or just trying to sell you something. I wrote this article to give you the straight facts so you can know the truth about these unwelcome sores.


Cold sores always seem to appear at the worst time. A cold sore is painful and embarrassing, and it definitely hurts your social life.

Cold Sores are the exact same sore as fever blisters and oral herpes. They appear and reappear at the site of initial infection. The lip area is the most frequent infection site.

Herpes simplex virus, either type 1 or type 2, produces all cold sores. It is a very damaging virus, as you will see.

When this virus first infects you, it will choose a nerve set nearest its entry point. It will reside in that nerve for life. All cold sores caused by this virus family will be in the same location every time – on the end of that nerve.


The herpes virus is normally dormant in the root cells of its chosen nerve. If the conditions become right, this viral family will move to the surface, through the nerve, and enter thousands of cells.

Herpes virus cannot reproduce on its own – like bacteria does. It needs host cells to create the new virus particles. The virus will enter your surface nerve cells and force them to build virus clones.

As the cells fill up they balloon causing visible swelling of the cold sore site. The control virus will destroy the cell when it is full or exhausted. This will spill out hoards of new herpes virus.

The explosion of all these cells is the cause of the gaping open wound we call a cold sore. They are very painful because the sore is located on the end of a nerve group.


The herpes simplex virus is a tiny, sub-microscopic particle. It enters the body through contact with your soft tissue – like lips. If you have a skin crack, it will enter there too. You are very contagious during the entire event.

Contaminated fingers and kissing are the most common ways you pass this virus to others. Do not touch the cold sore with bare fingers and always sterilize your hands after any cold sore treatment.

It is possible to get cold sores anywhere on your body where the virus can get through to the soft tissue. Finger sores, arm sores and cheek sores do occur – mostly by carelessness with contaminated fingers and a crack in the skin.

Do not infect your eyes. Cold sores in the eyes can happen and it often permanently affects the vision.

Nearly 90% of folks on earth carry the herpes simplex virus. The majority of these people will get a sore at least once a year – and usually a lot more.


Stress activates the herpes simplex virus. It is probably the number one cold sore trigger. Stress makes your body acid because of hormonal changes. This acid environment encourages herpes virus replication.

Without your help, your body will heal all oral herpes cold sores. It is cialis order slow, however, and often takes three to four weeks or more. Slash this time in half with a proven cold sore treatment program.

You will find the greatest success in fighting cold sores with natural home-type cold sore treatment remedies. They have proven to out-perform prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies – and for much less money.

Lysine, garlic oil and zinc are three of the top choices in cold sore treatment today. Lysine and zinc prescription cialis online are best taken as supplements, but all three can benefit you if put directly on the cold sore too.

Constant cleansing of the cold sore area using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is critical care too.

Oral herpes cold sores definitely put your social and private life on hold. I hope that with the information above, you are now better able to cope with those cold sore attacks.

You need to try different cold sore treatment methods to discover the best one for you. If you do, you can be totally free of cold sores too.

Author Bio: Want to know more about Cold Sores? Then stop by Denny Bodoh’s very popular web-site where you will find answers to even your most difficult questions. You will discover some excellent Cold Sore Treatment methods you can begin using right this minute. Go to

Category: Health
Keywords: cold sores,cold sore,cold sore remedies,get rid of cold sores,cold sore treatment, health

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