Estate Auction Phoenix: Clients Dealing with Grief

The priest, minister and rabbi are on the same phone call list as the auctioneer of an estate auction in Phoenix. A death brings about the need of services from funeral directors to lawyers alike and in the process the estate auction professional is required. The demand for estate settlement services is on an ever-increasing rise with our population growing older each day and the largest transfer of wealth known to man begins its rise.

The need for estate auction professionals who are sensitive to the dynamics of grieving families will become even more in demand. Understanding the phases of grief and their timeline is critical to successful and compassionate dealing with auction clients.

Three phases of grief are most commonly experience by estate auction in Phoenix clients. Phase 1) Shock and Numbness. This is a period of disbelief where the death doesn’t seem real and can last from a few hours to a few weeks. Phase 2) Suffering and Loss. During this time of bereavement there is a realization that the Brand Viagra loved one is gone and the loneliness of the loss can last for months. Phase 3) Reorganization. When the reality of the death and need to go one with life sets in, is a time when the survivor wants the affairs and matters of the decedent put in order. This period typically won’t begin until several months after the initial loss.

Knowing the phases of grief are key in understanding the needs of the estate client at the time your expertise is requests. Each phase has its own set of client challenges. In the initial phase of shock, it is just that. Unless there is an immediate need for you firm to conduct an auction at this time, the newness of the loss should be allowed to settle. However, during Phase 2 there is a feeling of disorganization and a period of time when the client is often experiencing guilt and sadness as well as suffering from confusion, change and uncertainty. During this time it is recommended that all business discussions are documented and tape recorded. This allows the bereaved to have a record which they can consult in the event of confusion or uncertainty. The final period of reorganization there begins a diminishing sense of loss and the desire to move back in a more “normal” life, takes hold.

It is wise and ideal to delay estate auction in Phoenix proceedings until the period of grief is in cialis cheap its final stages. The client’s ability to deicide and direct the distribution of their estate is at its best. But in order to service the client you will need to understand their loss. Inquire about the descendant and their life. Ask, what material possessions were important, what made them laugh, what did they spend their time working on? Get to know about the person whose property you will be selling. Also, find out about the descendant’s wishes for the distribution of property. Of course you will follow the direction of the court and/or executor(s) in settling the matter but knowing the true intentions of the descendant can set the estate auction in Phoenix up for the most success and least hurt for a family.

Finally and most importantly in working with a family during this difficult time period, clearly explain the auction process of set-up and disbursement and have a written record of the auction plan so the family can refer to the document. This will ensure that everyone understands the auction and will be supportive of the efforts of your estate auction in Phoenix firm.

Author Bio: Deb Weidenhamer is CEO of Auction Systems, the Southwest’s most active auction and appraisal company. Check out our estate auctions in Phoenix, or call 800-801-8880 for more information.

Category: Culture and Society/Consumer
Keywords: estate auction in Phoenix

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