Expanding The Health Care System

There is a large health care debate going on right now over whether the new health care bill is considered constitutional and whether the Supreme Court is going to overrule the decision of the other branches of government to pass it into law. The primary reason that the bill has been so controversial is that it requires every American to have health insurance coverage or pay a fee. Many people believe that to require a citizen to buy something is unconstitutional and that it should not be allowed. This article is going to go over some of the other controversial aspects of the bill.

First of all there is the funding. Under the new bill there would be a significant expansion of the Medicare and Medicaid programs to provide a low cost option for the poor Levitra and needy. The funding for the expansion of these programs is going to come primarily from a tax hike on the wealthy of America. Anyone who makes over 250 thousand a year is going to see an increase in their taxes as early as next year.

Another place that funding is going to come from is from increased taxes on health hazard causing businesses. For instance businesses that make or sell tobacco products which are a primary source of lung cancer or from things like tanning beds and booths which are known to cause skin cancer. The new taxes in these areas are meant to do two things, one it is meant to defray the cost of treating these diseases in the future and two it is meant to discourage people from using them in the first place by raising the price. Time will tell whether this taxing strategy has any real effects on their usage.

Another highly debated area of the bill has been that in essence it makes private insurance companies compete with a subsidized Tadacip low cost government option. Obviously people will want the low cost government option if they can possibly get it but in reality there will probably be regulations on income that require applicants for the program to show tax filing statements to prove that they earn below a certain income level.

One aspect of the bill that has already taken effect is that insurance providers are now required to cover the children of parents until the age of 26. Many companies only covered children until they graduated from school or stopped covering them at a lower age like 25 or 24.

Author Bio: BC Technical (http://www.bctechnical.com/index.php) offers the best nuclear medicine imaging services.

Category: Business
Keywords: nuclear medicine imaging

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