Fewer Cavities a Contribution of Fluoridation

If you can recall that commercial on TV where a child rushes to his father and interrupts him from his duties in order to tell him that he has a cavity, then you pretty much have an idea of the conditions of dental health in the country. One cavity every six months actually results in the child still having cavities in most of his teeth by the time he reaches 21.

Dental caries or cavities are our most common disease. It is the product of different factors such as too much sugar and not enough fluoride intake.

It’s possible for members of a family to have bad teeth without a logical reason for why it happens. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you can do away with dental hygiene on account of your grandfather’s good dental health.

Maybe the area in which he lived had a fluoridated water supply. He hardly ate anything sweet between Tadacip meals. By brushing his teeth with tooth powder and by rinsing it with salt water, he always had clean teeth.

There are still other possible actions that you can take. One option is to pressure the government to supply the area with fluoridated water.
Children who drink fluoridated water have better chances of not having cavities. viagra discount It seems that fluoridation will even benefit the aged who may have problems with their bones.

You and your children should also cut down on sugar, particularly sugar loaded foods between or just after meals. Keep away from sugar in sticky forms.

Plaque is the first stage to cavity formation. Bacteria found in plaque produce acid that causes teeth to wear away. The bacteria’s favorite food is a substance known as dextran.

Research shows that those who eat sugar between meals are more prone to developing cavities. Recently, British moms have been giving babies pacifiers containing sweet syrup.

If you still aren’t convinced, you should know about a medical curiosity that makes the same point.

Families sometimes acquire a disease known as hereditary fructose intolerance. When these people eat sucrose or fructose, they are most likely going to wind up feeling sick.

Food containing sucrose is being avoided by this people. They hardly have cavities despite their high carbohydrate consumption.

It is clear that cavities exist not because of refined food but because of sugar. Remember, too, that the mouth particularly gums and teeth are sensitive to your nutritional state, in general.

For proper tooth formation and dental health, you need Levitra adequate protein, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Eating harder foods would actually benefit your teeth and gums.

Dental repairs from the dentist and tooth brushing are a must, as we can now clearly see. You would likely have to endure out of pocket expenses and painful experiences.

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Category: Health
Keywords: dentistry, dentist, doctors, teeth, tooth

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