From Morse Code To Radios To Cellular Phones

Have you ever watched a television show or an old movie where they have to use morse code to communicate? Maybe it is one of those movies where children are trapped due to a mock war around them and they are using morse code to communicate. Then there are the television shows where people use fire or other forms to communicate or get people’s attention. Do you remember back in the days with boy or girl scouts learning different ways to communicate in case of an emergency?

The training you received wasn’t the type of training of picking up a cellular phone and dialing the phone number to get help. For years that wasn’t even an option and it was good to learn the other techniques to make sure you were protected and could get help if you needed.

Not only do you have memories of the morse code, but do you remember the days of the radios or the walkie talkies? Did you ever go on a family vacation and you all had radios in your vehicles and would communicate back and forth about where to stop or where the next destination was going to be? Maybe you are even more current on the radios and have seen people on a cruise ship walking around with them to communicate with one another.

This might seem old fashioned and that everyone should use a cellular phone now, but think about the positives of a hyt radio or a ptp radio or other types of radios. If you are on a cruise ship and call someone from your cell phone you will quickly learn that cost you a fortune. The other really nice thing about using a radio when traveling is that everyone who has a radio can hear what is going on. Have you ever dialed one phone number and then tell them that you would call them back after you called everyone else? That can be a very long process and with a radio that everyone in your party has you can make one call out and you are done.

Many people have moved past the morse code or the fire Kamagra signals and have memories of the radios, but have found themselves turning completely to cell phones. It isn’t necessary to resort to morse code, but before you decide that Viagra Jelly a cell phone is the only way to go you might want to do research on the different types of radios that are out there. You might be amazed at how far they have come and all of the many uses you can use them for and save money.

Author Bio: Amerizon Wireless ( offer one of the largest selections of HYT radio, as well as ICOM, Klein and Ritron portable radios and accessories.

Category: Technology
Keywords: HYT radio

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