Home-based Business: Pillar Candles

Pillar candles are among the favorites for home decor for many candle enthusiasts. Living room, bedroom and even dining room have a pillar candle or two. Whether it is for a decor or part of a daily activity, pillar candles are among the bestsellers in candle shops. And for that, they make a good niche for a home-based business.

A pillar candle is versatile in its color, shape, size, diameter and scents. There are molds of different materials that can help you make different pillar candles for your home business. Among the molds, you can use are made of plastic, aluminum, sheet metal, or silicone. Sheet metals and aluminum are very durable and easy to maintain. For now, it is best to devote this whole article on the materials you will need for your candles. So they are the following:

1. Wax. Unlike in the previous years, paraffin was more popular among home-based business owners engaged in candle-making. However, today, you can use other waxes to make candles. Soy wax, beeswax and bayberry wax are among the natural waxes you can extract. They also have eco-friendly effects when preferred over paraffin. Another wax that adds to your option is gel wax, which is very economical.

2. Fragrance oil. Some waxes have a natural scent, like beeswax and bayberry. Beeswax smells of buy cialis tadalafil Kamagra jelly honey because it is derived from a beehive as bees naturally produce it from their lower abdomen for security reasons; while the bayberry has sweet fragrance. Owners of home-based business, who make candles for their niche either use the natural scent of the wax or overrides it with another fragrance for variety.

3. Coloring agent. Gel wax and paraffin may really need them because they are odorless when raw. But for bayberry, it has a natural olive green color. The beeswax also has a natural yellowish shade owing to the honey from where it had been soaked. But for the sake of your home business, you can still alter their natural shades.

4. Metal Pillar mold. Choose the sizes, and shapes. You can use different specifications for your pillar candles.

5. Candle Wick. Choosing your candle wick is important. It can be challenging at times. But you can overcome it when you try to get more information about it. There are many types of wick to choose from. For this project, use an HTP 105 wick.

6. Wick screw. Wick screws are standard-size screws used to secure the wick on its hole in a sheet metal mold.

7. Wooden skewer or wick rod.

8. Mold sealer putty. Like what its name suggests, this mold sealer putty is used to seal molds at a point where the wick hole is located. For pillar candles especially designed for your home-based business, you have to remember that you should use more than what you think you need.

Better have them in stocks for future uses. One roll is about 18 inches long and three-fourths inches wide, sufficient for a dozen of pillar candles and molds. Okay, so we have completed our materials for this project. In the following article, the steps on how to make them shall be thoroughly discussed.

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Category: Business/E-Commerce
Keywords: home-based business, home business, pillar candles

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