How to Care for Exterior Iron Doors and Spiral Staircases

Ornamental iron doors and spiral staircases are timeless. They flow easily from one decorative theme to another. They fit most any decor. Iron doors and spiral staircases will last the lifetime of a home with proper care.

Iron has been used for centuries in home building and decoration. It’s one of the most plentiful metals on earth and the most common element on earth. It’s also the fourth most common found in the crust of the earth.

Its availability remains the major reason it has been so widely used for so long. Some of its early uses included ornamental items and weaponry.

Technological advances made extraction and refinement easier and cheaper. It is now used for larger items and for household structures like gates.

The iron used today comes in two major forms: cast and wrought iron. Both forms start out from the same earthly metal.

The crude ore is extracted and then super-heated. This process has traditionally taken place in a blast furnace, but today new methods have emerged. Some are cleaner than blasting it in a furnace and are more environmentally friendly.

The first refinement process results in “pig iron”. This form contains a high percentage of carbon. It is not considered a pure form of iron. It is also known at this stage as “cast iron”.

This form is often used to produce pipes, automobile parts and decorative items. This form is more brittle than the purer form known as wrought iron.

When taken through a second process to remove more of the remaining carbon, the result is a metal that is very strong and malleable; wrought iron. Wrought iron is a durable material that is not brittle, has better shear stress values and provides higher security than cast iron.

Exterior iron doors and spiral staircases need extra protection added to make them weatherproof. This is because they are subject to oxidation (rust).

This metal generates a chemical reaction when it is exposed to oxygen and moisture. The reaction (rust) usually appears as a reddish color.

There is no reversing the process once it begins to occur, but it may be curbed somewhat with various treatments. Areas that have already rusted are vulnerable to breakage and additional corrosion. It’s more prudent and efficient to avoid the reaction in the first place.

It’s reasonable to expect that exterior iron doors and spiral staircases will be exposed to moisture. Even those that are sheltered by walls, eaves and overhangs are vulnerable.

The best way to prevent rust is to treat the surface with an anti-oxidation coating. These come in several forms. Iron may be galvanized or treated with an anti-rust powder coating. These treatments must occur in the factory during the production of the piece.

Even materials treated before sale eventually deteriorate. Once your exterior iron door or spiral staircase has been installed, touch it up regularly. Do this by painting it with an anti-rust coating.

How often you need to treat it depends on several major factors. The first factor is the type of protection that was applied before you purchased it. Some coating methods last longer than others.

Check with your manufacturer to find out how it was coated. This will give you an idea how soon you’ll need to touch it up after purchase.

The second factor is climate/weather. Exterior iron doors and spiral staircases in hot, dry areas won’t be as vulnerable. They may be able to go quite a few years between coatings.

In colder, wetter climates, they may need treatment every 2-5 years. Those in areas with heavy rain will likely need treatment every 1-3 years.

Anti-rust paints/coatings come in a variety of colors. You can match the original color, or change the color altogether if you desire.

Exterior iron doors or spiral staircases that already show signs of rust must be attended to quickly. First, remove the rust as best you can. You may purchase a commercial rust removing solution, however, it mainly requires some elbow grease.

Small areas may be scrubbed with steel wool or another strong, abrasive item. You can use a metal grinder for larger areas. Either way, scrub until you see clean metal emerge.

Paint the exposed metal with an anti-rust primer. Top it with exterior anti-rust paint once the primer dries.

There is little that may be done if rust has eaten all the way through the metal. You may replace the piece that is rusted if it’s removable. Otherwise, you’ll need a welder on site to remove and replace it.

Exterior iron doors and spiral staircases that are purchased new stand a good chance at a long life. Be diligent about their proper care. This includes removing any rust spots as you notice them. This way, you’ll enjoy these products as long as you live in your home.

Author Bio: Brian Greenberg is an expert on custom built iron Cialis doors and iron spiral staircases Tadalis SX for protection from the elements.

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: iron doors, spiral staircases

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