How To Successfully Attract Women

If you want to be successful with attracting and picking up girls, there are a number of things you can do to make women like you. I will mention a few of these male traits that are attractive to women.

Firstly, unknown to most guys, most girls are turned off by needy men. Needy men are guys who are always at the beck and call of girls, wanting to please them desperately and will do almost anything for them. They will call the girls everyday to tell them how pretty they are and shower them with gifts. They also get jealous easily over their girls.

In the dating prescription cialis online fraternity, these men are called wussies. Surprised? Are you one of them? You see, the moment you show that you are desperate and weak, women will mentally file you as “just a friend” category and not “potential husband” material. Why is this so?

This is because women want their potential mates or mates to be of strong character. They want their men who are emotionally dependable so that can protect them in times of need. Of course, this categorization is instinctive and women themselves will also not know why. That is why when you ask a woman what they want in a man, they can’t give you this answer.

In a series of social studies, researchers threw parties for singles and observed that some men ended up sending the girls home and begin dating them while others do not. The aim is to understand why the girls chose certain types of men and what did these guys who were chosen have in common with one another.

The results of the studies confirmed that there was a commonality between the single men who went home with the girls. The commonality in these successful men is that they do not appear needy or desperate to please the girls at the parties. Unlike the other guys who went home alone from the parties, these men did not make themselves too available and did not show that much interest in the girls.

The guys who were successful with the girls showed very attractive male attributes because they are very confident in themselves and need not to desperately please the girls. Women admire and are attracted to men who are confident in themselves. Self confidence is portrayed by the way you conduct yourself such as the way you walk and the way you interact with people.

The sad fact is that most guys don’t realize how important it is to appear confident to be successful with women. Many men become weak and shy in front of beautiful women and thus project the wrong image to be successful and attractive to girls.

So in most cases, women will be naturally Kamagra Gold dismissive of such guys. This is because women instinctively perceived wussies as men who are unable to stand up for her or to protect her adequately when need to. Women on the subconscious level are looking for mates to take care of her and her offspring.

So if you want to successfully attract girls, you have to build up your self confidence and not to appear too wanting to please them. If you can project that image to girls, you will probably have women swarming all over you. That then is a happy problem, isn’t it?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Flirt And Attract Women and Human Pheromone Natural Attraction

Category: Relationships/Dating
Keywords: successful, attractive, attract , women, girls

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