How to Use Bullet Points Effectively in Your Sales Letter

When it comes to copywriting, your primary objective should be to convert readers into buyers. If your conversion rate is 1%, then you should aim for 2%. And, if it’s 2%, then you should aim for 3%. Push yourself hard to improve your writing; and the results will pay off in consistently thicker profit margins.

If you talk to most skilled copywriters, they’ll tell you that bullet points should be a prominent part of any sales letter. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using short or long copy, bulleted points get the job done in ways that paragraphs often cannot.

Bullet points and ordered lists provide your readers with a simple means to capture a lot of information without having to wade through dense writing. For instance, they can drink up an entire list of benefits; or they can skim a list of ways in which their businesses may be transformed if they begin using your new technique.

Now, beyond simply using bulleted points frequently, you should also try to use them the right way. Below, I have compiled a short list of ways in which you can use indentions in your writing that should help you to significantly increase your conversion rates:

1. Keep bullets short. If your bullet points are actually paragraphs, you’re doing something wrong. The goal should be to summarize, not expand on, important benefits and features of your product.

2. Alternate between bolded and un-bolded. Great copywriters, such as the late Gary Halbert, often used this technique; and claimed that it made it easier for readers to digest.

3. Communicate only one idea per bullet. Bullet points work best when they’re short and succinct, so avoid long-winded, multi-sentences.

4. If you have several large, dense paragraphs that contain many thoughts, break them up into smaller blocks. This will improve readability and the flow of your sales letter in general.

5. Use bullet points to convert long copy into short copy. If a long copy sales page is converting poorly, then change it to a short copy page. This has the potential to change things up and allow you to increase the conversion rate.

If you practice these rules consistently when you use points, the quality of your sales pages will improve over time. It is simply a matter of practicing and observing those who use bullet points well.

Author Levitra Professional Bio: Visit Brian’s website, Brand Viagra and learn about freelance writing and writing for money as a part-time or full-time writing career.

Category: Writing
Keywords: freelance writing, writing jobs, freelancing, writing from home, make money online, comedy writing

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