Improve Your Short Term Memory With These Tips

I hate to admit it, but I am known for having a terrible short-term memory. I am often the kind of person that is constantly wondering where I set down my keys or asking, “Have you seen my pen?” when it is situated behind my ear.

But recent research in memory and brain function has shown that improving the ability to recall information is actually fairly simple and straightforward. I decided to undertake some of the tips and tricks that science has unearthed, so let me share some of them with you in case you have the same absent-minded reputation I have Kamagra Soft developed.

Make sure that you are in overall good Levitra health. Getting enough sleep every night can ensure that you are more alert and attentive when it matters most. Exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, which helps it operate smoother in more ways than one.

Fatty acids, such as Omega-3s, are shown to influence brain function. There are now special supplements you can take which contain a healthy dose of fatty acids, or you can add them into your diet by consuming foods rich in them, such as fish or pumpkin seeds.

Make sure to write things down. Even if you only scribble down a few prompter words for things you are supposed to remember later, it can be tremendously helpful. I know this helps me! You may want to keep a supply of sticky notes around your house and a small notebook and a pen in your purse or car.

You should also engage a spouse, child, or roommate to assist you. This will take patience on their part, but if they use sticky notes to remind you, “Your keys are on the kitchen table,” or, “Don’t forget to go to the bank,” you can get into the habit of keeping track of things better.

When you don’t have access to pencil and paper, get creative and invent mnemonics. These are simple memory devices, such as acronyms, which can help you recall facts or ideas.

For example, one of my childhood teachers taught us the phrase, “King Henry Died Money Drinking Chocolate Milk,” to help students remember the order of the metric system. Mnemonics work for children–they can work for you, too.

Don’t be afraid to repeat things. Studies show that when someone introduces themselves to you and you parrot their name back, you are more likely to recall it when you see them again.

These are just a few tips that you should keep in mind–there is plenty more advice out there, so use the internet as a resource to help you learn to improve.

Author Bio: Brain Research Labs LLc. ( offers the best brain supplements product.

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Keywords: brain supplements

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