Justin Bieber Tickets – Baby, He’s Got You Hooked

He is America’s latest obsession, as young teenage girls flock by the thousands to the latest Justin Bieber performance, concert special or appearance. Just a few months ago Bieber was simply a YouTube sensation that was getting the attention from honchos like Usher and Justin Timberlake, but today Bieber is like the Jonas Brothers of the R&B world. With a slew of hit singles popping up on R&B stations across the country – like “Baby,” “One Less Lonely Girl” and “Favorite Girl” – Bieber’s babies are sure to start screaming as they find Justin Bieber tickets online for his My World Tour this summer.

The 15-year-old who looks like he just walked out of the cradle sports serious bling, a perfectly wafted surfer cut and a sensible smile – though luckily for teenage Tadacip fans (and parents) his lyrics are perfectly applicable for his age group. While Usher makes cameos in most of the videos, Bieber’s skits feature video games, bikes and silly string- something most teenagers can relate to. Yet unlike other teens, Bieber is signed to a major label, has a full length platinum set and has collaborated with R&B vets like Ludacris and Usher.

Though it might not show in his dance skills, Bieber is already a veteran in the industry. Placing second in his local Ontario singing competition three years before Levitra signing a record deal, Bieber found social media the best way to promote his sound – a move that eventually earned him mainstream fame. Like many other talents, Bieber covered hits from Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder on YouTube, but unlike others he earned over 10,000,000 from the self-made videos.

“I’ve only been singing for three years,” the platinum selling artist says on his website. When he entered the Stratford Idol at just 12 years of age he admits he was just having fun, as competitors had vocal lessons, training and years of experience. After taking second place, the star realized singing might be his gift; “I put my singing videos from the competition on YouTube so that my friends and family could watch them,” Bieber says. “But it turned out that other people liked them and they started subscribing.”

Eventually even Usher liked the videos enough to bring out the young star to his studios in Atlanta, where a battle between LA Reid and Timberlake’s Tennman Records battled it out. Though Usher won with a “way better” record deal, as Bieber puts it, the 15-year-old has since been compared to Timberlake. Hailed as the next “Sexy Back” singer with his soft dance moves, strong voice and mature vocal chords, Bieber’s catchy R&B pop hits are just as infectious as his personality.

“I’m looking forward to influencing others in a positive way,” the star adds on his website. “My message is that you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.” Since releasing his first single “One Time” in May 2009, Bieber phenomena hasn’t died down. While the debut My World featured only seven songs, Bieber returned with My World 2.0 just a few months later as his debut’s “second half;” the latter reached the number one spot on Billboard’s charts while My World sales went up 50 percent. This summer he jets out on his first headlining tour with Sean Kingston, hitting 43 cities through early September.

Author Bio: This article is sponsored by StubHub. StubHub.com is a leader in the business of selling Justin Bieber tickets, as well as sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and special events tickets.

Category: Music
Keywords: Justin Bieber, music, concert, tickets, entertainment, pop

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