Mutts: The Joys of Adopting and Rescuing Mixed Breed Dogs

If you have your heart set on getting a dog, there are many reasons why a well-chosen mutt could be the right pet for you. These one-of-a-kind canines come in all sizes, shapes, colors and dispositions, and need only the opportunity to prove their worth. Teacher Peter Cennamo learned this and so can you.

Most people are looking primarily for a companion dog, others for a watchdog, or both. A mutt can make just as good a pet/watchdog, or better, than a purebred. The American Temperament Testing Society’s evaluation measures stability, shyness, aggressiveness, friendliness, self-preservation, and protectiveness toward the dog’s handler. Of all mixed breeds tested, 85.4% passed. That’s well above the percentage of such popular purebreds as the Poodle, Sheltie, Schnauzer, Beagle, and Cocker Spaniel.

Mixed breed dogs tend to lead longer, healthier lives than many purebreds plagued with the problems of inbreeding. This is not to say they can’t have health problems, just that they won’t be predisposed to the eye problems of the Pekingese, the back problems of the Dachshund, or the hip problems of the German Shepherd. This translates into a less expensive and more pleasant companionship.

If it’s important to you for whatever reason to have a registered dog, there are even mixed breed registries available. Register your mutt, get papers, compete in dog Silagra sports, and hold titles just like purebreds.

Some Cialis Jelly people fear that when their unique dog lives out his days, they cannot replace him as with a purebred, but consider that dogs are as individual as humans. Amongst purebreds, and even their offspring, personalities will vary greatly. And when your companion is gone, no other dog will ever be quite like him. A new dog must be chosen and loved for himself, rather than a replacement.

Mixed breed dogs are free in the want ads and they’re wandering your neighborhood every day with no price tag on their heads. Teacher Peter Cennamo has experienced that dogs of mixed heritage number in the hundreds of thousands and are not hard to come by. All of this tends to make them seem disposable and worthless. But that concept is misplaced, as overpopulation of homeless pets actually reflects the carelessness, irresponsibility, and lack of commitment in our society. If you adopt a mixed breed, you can enjoy the satisfaction of counteracting some of that negative energy in the world, while you enjoy the loving companionship of one of the most loyal dogs.

Besides, overnight viagra when that soft little furbaby presses its head against your shoulder, looks up at you with soulful brown eyes, and offers a paw in friendship, how can heritage possibly matter? Teacher Peter Cennamo knows this for a fact.

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Category: Pets and Animals
Keywords: peter, cennamo, teacher, teacher peter cennamo

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