Nevada Highest Ranked State For Stress – Psychiatrists Are In Demand

Nevada is often associated with positive things like captivating entertainment and fun vacations, but the state also has a much darker underbelly. In fact, Mental Health America, a nonprofit organization, ranked Nevadans as some of the most depressed people in the country, surpassed only by the residents of three other states. The Associated Press Economic Stress Index had even more somber news: In April 2010, Nevada was named the state with the highest stress rate in the U.S. Understanding why mental health in Nevada is at such an all-time low may well be the first step to changing this disturbing trend.

No one can doubt that high stress and depression among residents is due, at least in part, to the current economic and job situation. Nevada has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country, with countless other homeowners perilously close to ruin. Unemployment and financial crises can start a devastating domino effect that often leads to marital problems and substance abuse, all of which can be catalysts for clinical depression and even suicide.

When the bottom starts to drop out from under someone’s life, who is there to pick up the pieces and help that person regain their footing? Ideally, trained mental health professionals should be filling this role. As recently cialis price as 2004, Nevada lagged behind most states in the country for the availability of quality mental health care. Fortunately, that trend has reversed: Nevada psychiatrists are now among the highest paid in the country, and the numbers of qualified mental health professionals has increased. As long as recession-driven budget cuts do not decimate the community mental health system, Nevadans will be able to continue counting on the support of excellent psychiatric and psychological care when the need arises.

After years of difficulty in Nevada’s mental health professions, the tide has turned. Residents now have a selection of solid, well-respected and well-compensated mental health specialists from which to choose. All that remains is for those who need counseling and other mental health services to be encouraged to access the people and programs that can transform their lives. As long as Nevadans express their need for competent professionals by actively seeking these services, government authorities and the private sector will have no choice but to provide financial support to maintain the high caliber of available services. In the upcoming months and years, the fallout from the sub-prime Viagra Jelly mortgage crisis and the high Nevada unemployment rate are sure to continue affecting the most vulnerable citizens of the state. Therefore, the importance of advocating for and seeking psychiatric services cannot be overstated.

Author Bio: Stephen Daniels is an acclaimed NetBiz SEO 2.0 researcher. If you’re looking for a Las Vegas psychiatrist, he highly recommends Dr. Ron Zedek. This professional is nationally recognized and has over 12 years of experience in treating a wide variety of mental health issues, from depression to anxiety disorders.

Category: Health
Keywords: Nevada psychiatrists, Las Vegas mental health, Las Vegas psychiatrists

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