Nutrigenomics: The Solution To Obesity Epidemic

Obesity is one of the most common health problems in some parts of the world particularly in the United States. Studies have shown that the trend of obesity is gradually increasing and is expected to double in the next 25 years. This is an alarming rate. As we all know, there are several metabolic syndromes that are linked to obesity, like hypertension, low HDL cholesterol, abdominal obesity, high fasting glucose and many others.

It is believed that Cialis Professional the current lifestyle of people lead to a greater number of people suffering from obesity. Most people have higher food consumption than energy exhaustion which causes fat buildup in the body. However, it is proven that there are also other several risk factors for obesity such as physical inactivity, age, socioeconomic status, family history, genetic susceptibility, etc.

Researchers are now looking into the influence of genetic structure to a person’s susceptibility to obesity. Recent studies show that obesity is not only directly caused by our environment, which offers us a few opportunities for physical activities, but is also influenced by our genetic makeup. The thrifty-genotype hypothesis explains that the energy-thrifty genes that helped our ancestors survive in the past, when food was scarce and unpredictable, have multiplied in our body.

These genes were helpful in the past but are now the cause of obesity in the environment where food is plentiful. However, it can also be observed that not all people in this kind of environment are obese. People of the same race, background and even living in the same environment as family have different response or reaction to a certain environment condition. Thus, we can safely say that genetic variations also play a big role in the development of obesity.

Through these observations and studies, nutrition specialists believe that obesity can be prevented through customized diet and lifestyle prescription. To an obese person, losing 5%-10% of his weight can delay or prevent the onset of the metabolic disorders associated to obesity, which he is prone to. Nutrigenomics is seen to be the answer to this so-called obesity epidemic.

Nutrigenomics focuses on identifying the influence of nutrition to the gene expressions and diet-related diseases. Although researches conducted in this field of study have been costly and difficult, the results are deemed helpful for Kamagra Gold the advancement of medical technology pertaining to health and weight management.

Though it is still at its early stage of development, nutrition specialists have seen the potential of nutrigenomics in the eradication of obesity epidemic in the near future. Understanding how some components in food interacts with certain genes which can heighten the risk of metabolic diseases, would help us to avoid the food that will induce those reactions.

Moreover, choosing the right amount of specific nutrients our body needs would optimize and maintain our health. Nutrigenomics enables us to be aware of the risks of obesity to our health and it also gives us a gateway to obesity epidemic prevention. With the development of research and studies about personalized nutrition, solution for obesity problem will soon be available.

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For more information on Nutrigenomics and how it affects you, contact Charles & Jim at (866) 201-8526 or e-mail


Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: nutrigenomics, obesity

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