Periodontal Disease: Know How to Prevent Your Gums and Teeth From its Irreversible Effects

How are you to protect your teeth and gums when there are millions of people today that have periodontal disease and don’t have a clue they even have it? Periodontal disease is the name for an infection which permeates the tissues of the gum.

These tissues support your teeth. The cause of this condition is bacteria in your mouth that forms plaque.

While everyday brushing and flossing of your teeth does remove most plaque, it is impossible to remove all of it.

The plaque left behind soon turns into tartar. Tartar that develops below the gum line agitates and infects the gums. This leads to gum disease.

Although widespread, periodontal disease is a condition that can easily be prevented. The Pennsylvania Dental Association has long informed the public about the need to keep teeth and gums healthy.

There are two stages of periodontal disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the earlier stage of periodontal disease; this is when the bacteria grow in between the tooth and gum causing irritating inflammation.

This first stage of the disease can likely be reversed by daily brushing and flossing. Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis continues undeterred.

Periodontitis is the more advanced stage of periodontal disease. Periodontitis damages gums, surrounding bones and the teeth. Once this damage is inflicted, it is irreversible.

The more serious problems caused by periodontitis happen as the gum tissue adhering the teeth securely Kamagra to the bone deteriorates, leading to inflammation, decay, receding of the gums, and, very possibly, loss of teeth.

Many factors, such as tobacco use, can also lead to an increased chance of one eventually developing periodontal disease. Others include certain systematic diseases, such as diabetes, and some types of medication, including steroids and various anti epilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, calcium channel blockers and oral contraceptives.

Pregnancy, ill-fitting dental bridges, fillings in the teeth no longer effective, and teeth that are not straight are additional causes.

Research has demonstrated a link between gum disease and coronary artery disease. Experts have shown that people who suffer with gum disease are two times more likely to have coronary artery disease as well.

The researchers theorize that prescription cialis generic bacteria from the mouth hitch a ride in the bloodstream, attaching to the heart’s blood vessels via fatty plaques and causing dangerous, damaging clots to form. To keep your mouth and gums healthy and prevent periodontal disease, experts offer the advice that follows.

Thoroughly brush your teeth twice daily and floss every day. By brushing and flossing, you help remove plaque and food particles from your teeth’s surface, as well as between your teeth where a toothbrush can’t easily reach.

Replace your toothbrush every few months or when the bristles become frayed or worn. Using a fluoride toothpaste and antibacterial mouth rinse is another way to help keep tooth decay at bay.

Make sure you also eat nutritious and well balanced diet. Eating daily from the five main food groups; grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry.

Visit the dentist at least every six months for oral health checkups and professional cleaning.

If you think you’re developing signs of periodontal disease, don’t wait for your checkup to ask your dentist – call the office immediately.

Your symptoms may include: red, swollen or tender gums, gums that bleed easily or seem to be pulling away from your teeth, continuous bad breath or bad taste in the mouth, you find that permanent teeth are loose or separating, if you see pus appearing between teeth and gums when gums are touched, and finally, if you see changes in your teeth alignment when you bite.

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Category: Health
Keywords: dentistry, dentist, doctors, teeth, tooth, dental implants, orthodontics, braces, teeth whitening

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