Preventing Genetic Diabetes 2 With Vitamins Based on DNA

With the latest DNA chip technology, scientists at Joslin Diabetes Center discovered a new gene implicated in the causes of type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a common metabolic disease that affects more than 200 million across the world. In the United States and other countries, this epidemic is increasing.

In the newest study conducted in Joslin Diabetes Center, the scientists identified genes that were modified in their level of expressions in islets isolated from type 2 Diabetes patients. When scientists made a defect in one of the genes known as ARNT in mice, modifications evolved in insulin secretion in mice similar to those in humans who have type 2 Diabetes.

A member of a family of transcription factors, the Aryl Hydorcarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator or ARNT is essential for normal embryonic development. It is also included in response to conditions of hypoxia and some environmental toxins like dioxin.

ARNT, being a transcription factors control the expression and activity of most genes in the cell and hence plays a crucial role in regulating cell function. It also have potential in integrating genetic and environmental insults as it is a component of the response to toxins and hypoxic stress.

In contrast to the previous study suggesting defects in other pathways in small number of people with type 2 Diabetes, the new study demonstrated a marked-down regulation of the nuclear transcription factor ARNT. This discovery gives new insights into the pathogenesis of the most common form of this type of Diabetes. It could also prove helpful in formulating new treatment.

Similarly, marking down the level of the ARNT gene in beta cells in culture resulted to defects in glucose-stimulated insulin release and alterations in islet gene expression that simulates those in people with diabetes 2.

In an international consortium of researchers, the scientists involved separated 10 gene mutations that help ascertain human body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, two essential factors underlying diabetes 2. In an accompanying study, the same group of scientists determined that these two factors directly influenced the risk of diabetes.

Among the four gene variants known to be associated with glucose metabolism, only one is determined to affect diabetes 2. According to scientists, finding new pathways help in better understanding how glucose is regulated, in distinguishing between normal and pathological glucose variations, and in developing new therapies.

GIPR-A, a particular gene is found to have a prominent role. It produces a protein, which is inherent in the normal hormone response to eating, thereby inciting the release of insulin to control sugar levels in the blood. However, in the study, mutated version of GIPR-A destroys such response and cause elevation in glucose.

Diabetes occurs when bodies cannot produce adequate insulin or when cells fail to distinguish and react to the insulin produced, thereby resulting into an abnormal high blood sugar levels. Diabetes 2 requires treatment procedure which can help utilize insulin in a proper way.

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Category: Health/Supplements and Vitamins
Keywords: Diabetes 2, Nutritional Supplements based on DNA

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