Reducing Your Blood Pressure

We hear the phrase “high blood pressure” all the time, yet most people don’t even give it a second thought. More than 30% of Americans do not even realize that they have it because there is no physical symptom to help you diagnose the problem.

The only way to figure out whether or not you have high blood pressure is to go to the doctor’s office to have it measured. Making sure that you visit your doctor every year for a wellness checkup will keep you on the right track to being healthy and informed about your body.

Basically, blood pressure is the force in your arteries that is created when your heart beats. A normal reading should be below 120 (systolic pressure) and below 80 (diastolic pressure).

If you have your blood pressure measured and find that it is too high, there are some things that you can do to try to reduce it. Before you take any medication, try to bring it down in a more natural way.

The most obvious way to lower your blood pressure is to exercise. No matter what age or what kind of condition you are, there are physical activities that you will be able to do.

There are a lot of people in America with different types of jobs. Some jobs are very physically demanding while other jobs require you to work in an office or an environment that offers very little physical exercise.

Walking is something that you can do with any job and a great way to keep in shape and stay moderately active. Instead of spending 15 minutes cruising around the parking lot looking for that “perfect spot” right next to the door, park further back so that you are forced to walk a few extra feet.

This is not only beneficial to you, but to the other people that may be in your car. Plus, parking away from most of the traffic might keep your car from accidentally getting scraped by a shopping cart.

If buy cialis usa you work in an office, you are probably used to sitting down 8 hours a day and not getting much movement. Put the trash can a little farther away from where you sit so that you have to get up to Brand Levitra throw something away.

Instead of bringing a water bottle to work, make it a point to periodically get up from your desk to walk to the drinking fountain once every half hour or so. Get into the habit of drinking water instead of soda drinks.

It will you save money on those cans from the vending machine and keep you better hydrated. Drinking enough water will also force you Cialis to get up from your desk every once in a while to go to the bathroom.

During your lunch break, take a walk outside (if the weather is cooperating) and enjoy eating in a different setting than the place you work. Designating a specific spot outside of your office for eating lunch will help you stay away from snacking at your desk.

This is very similar to the concept of only using your bed to sleep instead using it for a variety of other things such as working on your computer or watching television while in the bedroom. It will help train your body to know when it is time to sleep so you won’t have such a hard time at night.

Modern conveniences have made us lazy and will continually encourage us to live a more sedentary lifestyle. Think about things in your life that make it a little easier for you, but aren’t necessary.

For example, a lot of people use elevators in multi-story buildings. It gets you to where you need to go a lot faster, but do you really need to use it that often?

Why not leave your house five minutes earlier so that you can walk to your floor on the third story instead of using the elevator? Just make sure you don’t push the snooze button on your alarm that morning so you can have those few extra minutes to use later in your day.

Whether you work in an office, drive a mail truck, or sit at home watching television all day, there are little things that you can find to increase your physical activity. And when you increase your physical activity, you can help decrease your high blood pressure.

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry has worked as a nurse practitioner for the last 16 years. He has worked in local clinics and the ER and recommends looking into high blood pressure cure to avoid a fatal heart attack.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: high blood pressure cure

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