Six Practical Ways Of Coping With Panic Attacks

During a panic attack, you are frightened, your mind is muddled and everywhere, your heart is racing, you are sweating and trembling and much more. And if it is in a public place, the thought that others could be observing you, can worsen this awful experience. However, no matter how bad your panic attacks No prescription cialis are, the following are some things you can do to try and cope:
*try and slow down your breathing.
*if there is a trusted person around, explain what is happening and ask him or
her to be with you during the experience.
*resist the temptation to flee the place where you are having the panic attack
*let the people with whom you have social and business contact know.
*if possible find a quiet place to rest.
*be aware of your treatment options.

Try and slow down your breathing.
During a panic attack, try and slow down your breath. For each respiration, inhale through the nose, hold it for around 6 seconds and again exhale though the nose. Also, try and use your diaphragm for breathing and not you chest. It is important to remember to do this because during a panic attack you will be hyperventilating- that is, breathing fast and deeply and may have a sensation of shortness of breath. By deliberately slowing down your breathing, you help yourself regain control.

If there is a trusted person around, explain what is happening and ask him or her to be with you during the experience
The presence of a loved one when you are having a panic attack can be an asset. Your loved one may hold you during the experience, reassure you and do whatever is needed to prevent your experience from worsening.

However, it often happens that when a person has a panic attack, he or she together with the loved ones, may not know what to do. Therefore, if you suffer from frequent panic attacks, you and your trusted ones must be prepared by getting education on panic attacks and how to manage them. Such education is freely available on the internet. Alternatively, you can also get it from your GP or psychologist.

Resist the temptation to flee from the place where you are having the panic attack.
Fleeing like that when your body is in a state of alarm could put you in danger. For example, when some people have panic attacks, the symptoms they suffer include dizziness and lightheadedness. Therefore, if they try to leave while in a state of panic, there is always a risk that they may fall and hurt themselves. If you drive while under a panic attack, you might end up in an accident.

Also, each time you are fleeing from a scene of panic Cialis Professional attack, you are reinforcing in your mind, that such a place is dangerous to be at and you are using avoidance as a coping strategy. If you continue to use avoidance as a relief tool, you will gradually build up a mental list of no-go areas. Each time you think about such areas or are near them, your mind goes into a state of false alarm and you might even end up having an attack. Hence, avoidance is not good. It undermines social and occupational functioning. It will also result in you having other anxiety disorders, for example, agoraphobia.

Let the people with whom you have meaningful social and business contact know.
Such people may include you boss and trusted colleagues at work, your friends at university, your classmates at school or even your religious mates. The point is that, by revealing your condition to these people, your are building around yourself support. If you have a panic attack and these people are around, they will know what is happening and depending on how well informed they are, they might even be of assistance. Lest Iam misunderstood; here, Iam in no way suggesting that you stand on the podium and make an announcement to everyone that you suffer panic attacks. Just tell the people you feel comfortable to confide in and those that are entitled to know, for example, your boss.

If possible find a quiet place to rest.
If you are in a public area such as a shopping center, then try and look for a calm spot to sit and rest. A calm environment is necessary for your mind to relax and normalize. Also, avoid small rooms where you might feel trapped.

Be aware of your treatment options
Although, medicines such as benzodiazepines help a lot in relieving symptoms of panic attacks, be aware that non-medical approaches especially cognitive behavioural therapies are more effective. Also, the side effects normally associated with medicines make cognitive behavioural therapies a more attractive option.

Author Bio: Tims Sentinel is a keen researcher in mental health issues who has been focusing on studying and implementing evidence based healthcare practices for the past 4 years.
To get more pointed and detailed information on panic attacks and how to eliminate them, click the following website address:

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: panic attacks, cope with panic attacks

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