Stages of A DUI Case – New Hampshire

The New Hampshire legal process for those charged with driving under the influence, DUI, can be very confusing and intimidating, especially if you have chosen to attempt to represent yourself. It is crucial to have a basic understanding of the system, even if you have a competent DUI attorney fighting for your rights, so that you have a better understanding of what to expect and when during the criminal trial process. Remember, though, that any questions regarding the timeline for your specific case should be directed to a legal professional trained in DUI laws in the state of New Hampshire.

Your arrest marks the beginning of the legal process. Until you are officially arrested, there is no case against you. Once you have been arrested, it becomes time to seek expert legal representation. It is urgent to begin building Kamagra Soft a successful defense strategy if you hope to fight the charge against you and minimize your penalty.

After booking, you may be presented an opportunity to be released pending the arraignment and trial date. This is via the bond or bail system, and it is not an option for everyone. It is based on your criminal background, the severity of the crime/charges, and similar information. The bail amount is typically a predetermined number, and this is often not based on your income or ability to pay.

Whether you were released or not, arraignment is usually the next step in the process, and this is where you are presented with your first official opportunity to learn what charges are being brought against you. It is also your time to enter a plea in the case, such as guilty, not guilty, or no contest. If you have reached an agreement with the prosecutor before this time, this may be the time to present the information to the judge for consideration.

If you have not made arrangements for the penalty phase, such as agreeing to probation or alcohol-education program, you may face an actual trial. Many DUI cases go to trial, since most prosecutors are unwilling to negotiate those cases where there is a high breath test or a second offense. This is why it is so important to have someone fighting for your rights. Any failure to communicate innocence or remorse could result in less leniency and more penalties for the charge if convicted.

Sentencing is the final phase in most cases, as very few are appealed in New Hampshire, and it marks the end of the case against you. If you are convicted, you will face many state minimum punishments, including potential jail time, monetary fines, loss of driving privileges, alcohol education programs, rehabilitation, probation, community service, and much more, depending on the specifics of the case.

However, keep in mind that if the case is an aggravated DUI or a 2nd or subsequent offense, you have a right to appeal the case for a new trial in front of a jury. That is an important option that you should discuss with your attorney.

This information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

Author No prescription cialis Bio: William Bly of Nielsen and Bly is a criminal defense attorney focused on drunk driving related issues regularly in his practice. To read additional info related to NH DWI laws, visit the firm’s Portsmouth, NH website.

Category: Legal/National, State, Local
Keywords: DUI, driving under the influence, drunk driving, alcohol, laws, attorney, lawyer

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