Step By Step Instructions To Build A Garage

Garages can be just a place to park your car, or a sanctuary from the rest of the world. It depends on how you build it.

Assuming you’re one of those people who eschew the easy way out of anything, you probably wouldn’t be interested in learning how to build a garage from a kit. An avid do-it-yourselfer such as yourself would actually pass on pre-fabricated and cut materials accompanied by a comprehensive set of instructions to design and build a garage on your own.

You will of course have drawn up a comprehensive building plan and obtained all necessary permits and Brand Cialis building licenses as well as construction materials required. In some instances, you may need to obtain approval from the local homeowners’ association.

The foundation is important to the stability of the garage you build. Concrete may be easy to pour, but mistakes aren’t easily rectified once it hardens! Ensure that the wooden form into which you pour it is well prepared. The slab has to be square and the sill plates should be level. It also goes without saying that your stocks should be of good quality. If possible, seek a professional opinion before your pour the foundation just to make sure you’re doing it right.

The walls are the next to go in after the concrete has completely dried. Some building codes have regulations that specify the distance of the studs, but most of the time; studs are spaced 16 or 24 inches apart. The frames can be assembled on the ground before they are raised into position with the help of a few good friends.

You have to frame the roof next after raising the walls. It’s easier to use prefabricated trusses for this as they can make the job go faster. These can be ordered beforehand from the local hardware store.

After the framework has been put in, the sheathing or exterior paneling is attached. Most people would use particle board, plywood or wafer-board as these are cheaper and easier to apply. At this stage you may want to consider putting in insulation and drywall if you plan to use the space as a workshop as well. Don’t forget to let some light into the interior with a window or two.

Nearing Viagra Professional the end of construction, the siding and soffit (eaves) are applied. Use weather-resistant nails to prevent rusting. Construction is completed when you install the asphalt shingles over the roofing felt.

Author Bio: Please visit these links for more information on How To Build A Garage and this link for information on Build A Garage

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: How to Build a Garage, DIY Garage

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