Still Carrying Your Portable CD Player? Upgrade To An MP3 Player And See The Masses Of Benefits

Although the MP3 player has been available to the public since 1997 (Audio Highway’s Listen Up Player was introduced Viagra Jelly to the American market in September 1997), most consumer electric stores on the high street still stock portable CD players. Understandable and acceptable as CDs are still a massively popular way of purchasing and listening to music, portable CD players are slowly becoming defunct and are being replaced by their more modern MP3 counterpart.

Whilst a portable CD player is still a great option for some, for most people MP3 players offer exactly the same benefits as a portable CD player – as well as more – and to see the many benefits that are available, just take a glance through the following five points.

1. Lighter and smaller – one of the main problems with portable CD players is that they’re too big. Obviously something that can’t be helped, as most are only a fraction bigger than the size of the actual CD, it still causes problems when using it as it should be used – portably.

Do you carry it in your hand? Or your bag? You’d struggle to get it in your pocket and even if you did, you risk having your trousers pulled down by its weight.

2. Easier to carry – due to point 1, the fact that MP3 players are a lot smaller than their CD ancestors, they are a lot better at being portable. Although some of the early models were chunky in their size, most of the new dedicated MP3 players are tiny – some measuring less than 2 inches square.

3. Not affected by vibrations – when you use a CD player on the go, regardless of the quality of the anti-shock device that it has built in, you are always going to suffer from some disruption if you, for example, run.

MP3 players remove this issue completely and whether you throw it in the air or on the floor, you’re unlikely to notice any changes to the quality of the sound.

4. Vehicle compatibility – one of the reasons why people were reluctant to move to MP3 players at first was that they were unable to listen to them in their car. With a CD, they could have it in their portable player when walking and then when they got into their car they could put it in the stereo and listen to it throughout their journey. Whilst this could mean that you eventually had a collection of CDs in your car, it was the easiest option for most.

Today, however, more and more cars are being produced to be compatible with MP3 players of all types and therefore whether you buy a cheap iPod touch or any expensive alternative, buy a new car and it’s more than likely that your MP3 player will be instantly compatible.

5. They’re versatile- like with a lot buy propecia online of modern technology, many MP3 players do more than just play music. Pick up a cheap iPod touch from an auction website, for example and not only will you be able to play your favourite music, but you’ll also be able to play games, surf the internet and check your e-mail. Not a necessity for some, it is a fantastic addition for many others.

Author Bio: Flutteroo is a new business that is entering the rapidly growing market of internet ‘Audio Auctions‘. Audio Auctions combine traditional retailing with skill and cialis price strategy and fun. There are hundreds of brand new items up for grabs with the opportunity of own owning a cheap ipod touch.

Category: Technology/Electronics
Keywords: cheap ipod touch, ipod touch, ipod, apple ipod touch, apple, online auctions, internet auctions, online shopping

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