Symptoms and Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

There are certain types of bacteria that are present in the female reproductive organ. When there is a presence of overgrowth of these bacteria it will cause a certain vaginal condition. This condition is called the Bacterial Vaginosis that can produce vaginal discharge with foul odor. This condition was formerly known as the Gardnerella vaginitis. This was also the name of the bacteria that supposedly caused this condition. However modern technology has proven that there are other species of bacteria that naturally live in the vagina. When these Viagra Jelly multiple species of bacteria become imbalance or overgrown it will cause the condition.

Many women have become curious about the kinds of symptoms they may experience with this kind of condition. The only symptoms though are the vaginal discharge and the foul odor it emits. Most of the time there are no other symptoms associated with this kind of vaginal condition. It is a bit tricky since most women have certain amounts of vaginal discharge. What is considered a normal amount of discharge may differ from one woman to another. In any case though, the person should be able to take note about her usual vaginal discharge. Whenever there is change on the amount and the odor of the discharge, the woman should immediately seek evaluation from a medical professional.

It should be noted that some women do not display any kind of symptoms at all. Some would experience having a vaginal discharge that would have an unpleasant fishy odor. The vaginal discharge of a woman who has this condition is usually thin. Most would notice it to having Kamagra a grayish white color. Most women notice this after sexual intercourse. Some of them express the feelings of embarrassment, when their partners are the ones who are able to notice the distinct smell.

The main causes of this vaginal condition remain a big question mark to several researchers for now. It has been observed though, that there is a reduction in the number of the normal hydrogen peroxide producing bacteria in the vaginal area. With this other types of bacteria increase in concentration. Because of this the diagnosis is not simple. Treating the condition is not as simple as eradicating a single kind of bacteria. The infection is obviously caused by the combination of different types of bacteria. However the reason behind why they combine is still unknown.

While there is no straight answer yet on the reason why this condition happens, there are certain factors that increases the chances of its occurrence. These factors include multiply sexual partners, cigarette smoking, and vaginal douching. Women who are suspecting themselves to having Bacterial Vaginosis should be evaluated sooner than later. This will enable the doctor to exclude more serious conditions such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

Author Bio: To find out more, check out: Bacterial Vaginosis

Category: Health
Keywords: Bacterial Vaginosis

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