Tummy Tuck: Get To Know The Recovery Process

Many people who decide to get a tummy tuck are quite excited about the results, but are not sure how the recovery works. Before you sign up for this surgery, know what to expect as far as the healing process. This way, you can be as prepared as possible.

Not surprisingly, you will be a bit sore and uncomfortable for the days following the tummy tuck. You will likely be given painkillers to deal with the pain, and can expect your stomach Cialis Jelly to be swollen and sensitive. In some cases, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days, though most patients are sent home from the clinic hours after the operation. Clearly, you should plan for both scenarios just in case.

When you get home, expect to rest in bed for at least the first few days. You likely will not feel like doing much else, so this is the easy part. It is helpful to ensure that you have plenty of pillows, books, and a television remote control all in one spot before you even leave for surgery. You should also plan to put water and your pain medications within easy reach of this area so that you can stay comfortable and free Silagra of pain while you heal.

It is advised that you take at least a week off work, though some people opt for two weeks. If you heal faster than usual, a week might be plenty, but you should plan for some extra time so that you are prepared. The time you take off also depends on your job.

If you have a desk job or are able to sit most of the day where you work, taking just a week off may be fine. However, if your position requires you to be active and on your feet, you might need more than two weeks off. Ask your doctor when you can go back to work to make sure you will be able to heal properly.

You will not see the results you want for a few months, though you should see improvement after several weeks. You can get the stitches removed during the first week, and will just concentrate on giving your body rest and any medications prescribed to you.

Following these directions, as well as any additional instructions from your doctor, should allow you to heal nicely. Then you can enjoy your tummy tuck results without issue.

Author Bio: A Baltimore tummy tuck specialist offers world-class medical treatments to help give you a flatter, trimmer abdomen, and eliminate any sort of marks from your body. You can be assured of enhancing the contours of your body. To know more, visit http://www.drcohenplasticsurgery.com

Category: Health
Keywords: Baltimore tummy tuck

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