Tummy Tuck Surgery – Get a Flat Stomach Today

Showing off a six pack is the ultimate sign of a fit body. However, sometimes getting a tight belly is not as easy as it may seem. Even if you’ve met your goal weight, you still site cialis may have excess skin around your middle. The only remedy is to get tummy tuck surgery.

What is it?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that helps tighten and flatten your stomach by getting rid of extra fat and skin. This leaves you with a youthful, taut stomach. Many women choose to get this operation once they’re done with having children. Furthermore, men and women that have gone through major weight loss choose to have this procedure to help flatten their bellies.


Paying for an abdominal operation can be an issue if you don’t have a nice amount of money set aside. This is because tummy tuck surgery is not covered by insurance companies. Costs can range from $3000 to $8500 and involve paying the surgeon, anesthesiologist and the hospital or facility. Luckily, many doctors offer payment plans to help you cover costs.


Infection, blood clots and excessive bleeding are possible risks when it comes to having abdominoplasty. However, these risks can increase if you do not heed your doctor’s directions, like quitting smoking. In addition, if you’ve recently had some form of abdominal surgery, then you’re more susceptible to complications. Furthermore, pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease can also intensify risk.

The procedure

The surgeon will begin the operation at the hip bone and will make an abdominal incision from left to right. Next, he or she will cut the area near the navel. Skin is then disconnected from the wall of the stomach, revealing loose muscles.

The surgeon will stitch these muscles together, remove excess skin, reposition what’s left, and then sew everything together. Lastly, the navel is placed in a location that complements your new, taut belly.


Healing after tummy tuck Levitra surgery requires you to take it easy for approximately two or three weeks. Kamagra Soft Depending on how you’re feeling, your doctor may advise you to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Also, you will experience swelling and soreness and your doctor will give you a prescription for medicine to help relieve your pain. Be prepared to see scarring as the incisions heal. While these scars will never go away, the overall appearance will improve over time.

Author Bio: With tummy tuck surgery, a plastic surgeon helps you get rid of excess skin and fat from your abdomen area to give you a flatter and firmer abdomen. To know more about the procedure at http://guidetoplasticsurgery.com

Category: Health
Keywords: tummy tuck, tummy tuck surgery, tummy plastic surgery

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