We Live In Gentler Times

We live in gentler times as compared with the history of mankind. Last night we watched Ben Hur with our family. Times were tough, people were property and death and suffering were standard fare for much of humanity. I am something of a history buff and there are very few periods of history that I would want to live in. Many I would love to be a fly on the wall and observe, but no many I would personally want to participate in. Even for the nobility life was precarious. If you were on the wrong side on the aisle when power changed hands, it was death or worse for you.

I understand after reading much of English history why we put no cruel or unusual punishment in our constitution. The Tower was not someplace you wanted to end up. Torture and suffering were tools of the nobility to keep the citizenry in order and redress was unheard of. We certainly have our problems today with society, governments and our youth, but nothing compares, except maybe in the gang world to the wanton brutality of days gone by. The gang world creates their own brand of brutality, but luckily for most gang membership is a choice, albeit it a difficult one to get out of. The learning of discipline though the ages, in most cultures, has been tough on the youth.

We teach our youth discipline through sports involvement. Accountability, promptness, drive, dedication, tenacity are things that are taught on a football field, cheerleading camp, lacrosse field, or in a swimming pool for water polo. Sports can be wonderful teaching experiences for kids if their coaches have the right attitude and teach with integrity, honesty and a sense of fair play. I have a niece who belongs to an Austin boot camp where she engages in intense workout with challenging physical demands; I have a nephew who recently was sent to the Marine boot camp in San Diego, both of these young people are learning the joy, struggle and fatigue of hard work and discipline.

We live in kinder, gentler times, we live in a time of general prosperity and health, we live where children learn discipline on the sports field instead of the ritualistic challenges of tribes and cultures often resulting in death. Life isn’t easy for youth, but in the history of the world this is probably the best it has ever been. The process of growing up has been difficult for children of all ages.

Author Bio: Austin Adventure Boot Camp (http://www.atxbootcamp.com/) provides award-winning Levitra fitness camps lead by expert personal trainers throughout the Austin area. Our camps have been voted the best in Kamagra Soft Austin boot camp and best in the country.

Category: Recreation and Leisure/Travel
Keywords: Austin boot camp

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