Weighing Yourself Is Fun

There are many people out there who hate to weigh themselves and drive themselves crazy doing so. For example, some make a goal to try and lose thirty pounds in three months.

They spend time at the beginning setting up a chart which lists all the foods they should eat every day. They make another chart with boxes to fill in their how much they weigh every week.

The very beginning, when they announce their new goal and begin setting everything up, is very exciting and people start out very motivated. Because of this rush of motivation, they tend to overdo it and create unrealistic goals and expectations for themselves.

Unfortunately, they do not realize their mistake until a few weeks into their weight loss journey. Imagine how disappointed you would feel if you were constantly jumping on the scale every other day to see how you were doing for the week and the numbers either stayed the same or did not decrease by enough.

I have a friend who has always been very obsessed with her weight gain throughout her entire life. Her family is not overweight at all, yet she has this distorted image of herself and has now convinced herself that she is fat.

Growing up with her in high school was a little depressing at times because she was pretty negative about the way she looked and always commenting on what parts of her body she wanted to fix. I always told her that was gorgeous and not overweight at all, but she never believed me.

This mental sickness in her head is still there and continues to plague her. I have tried my best as a friend to be encouraging and help her through it without many results.

The past couple of years, she has been begging me to go on numerous diets with her and exercise programs. I have turned her down a couple of times, but usually get sucked into working out with her.

She starts out with whatever program she found on the internet and does great for about two to three weeks then gets stressed out about everything. She weighs herself like three times a week just to see how she is doing and then records her final weight for that week on Saturday.

When she does not see the numbers going down like she thinks they should, she starts getting depressed which eventually leads to her quitting the program a week later. None of these weight programs last for very long because she gets so frustrated with the process.

It occurred to me (about the tenth time she tried this) that she was going about the whole program wrong. She had a bad attitude about the entire process and was not exercising any patience.

I told her that she needed to fix two things. First, she needed to throw the scale out of her bathroom window because she was using it too much.

Secondly, she needed to set more realistic goals and make up eating/exercising plans that were flexible. If your workout regime is too rigid and you miss doing one thing on it, then you get frustrated and give up.

But if your workout plan has room for some flexibility, then you just do what you can and do not feel bad for missing a particular exercise every once in a while.

She asked why she should throw out the scale and I told her that there is no way she is going to see the numbers go down if she was weighing herself all the time. I told her that she should just come over to my house once every two weeks to weigh herself and record it.

If you spread out how often you weigh yourself, then you will be pleasantly surprised when you see the scale- even if you only dropped a pound in two weeks. Because when you put those numbers on paper, it becomes a lot more encouraging to see lower and lower numbers every time rather than numbers that stay the same.

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry has worked since 1987 selling laboratory products and supplies to various labs and schools across the country. He has written hundreds of articles about lab supplies.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry
JackRLandry@gmail.com Levitra Professional
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Category: Fitness/Weight Loss
Keywords: lab supplies

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