What Is The Difference Between A First Aid Kit And A Survival Kit?

There are two main differences between first aid kits and a survival kit. First off, a first aid kit is simply used to assess a current situation and get it taken care of. For example, you are out on a camping trip with your family, and one of your children falls down and scrapes their knee. Unfortunately, your child is probably in a good bit of pain, but thankfully you brought along your first aid kit. This little kit will allow you to assess and take care of the situation with an antibacterial spray or wash, along with a band-aid or if it’s bad enough a bandage, gauze and tape.

On the other hand, a survival kit is used for a survival situation – usually lasting from 2 days on up to 2 years. Pretty crazy, but that is exactly what surviving is all about. Second off, the kits Tadacip are both going to incorporate different things. The first aid kit will probably include some very basic items like bandages, masks, gloves, cold pack, tweezers, various band-aids, splits, burn creams, first aid creams, gauze, a first aid guide, cotton tip applicators and the metal case in which all of this will fit. On the other hand, for a survival kit it will contain supplies like this and much more.

The survival kits like the Red Cross, Adventure Medical kits and Tactical medical Solutions supply will include things like food (that has 5 or 25 year shelf life, also included Levitra is water), solar blanket, light sticks, poncho, flashlight, hygiene kit, tissues, wet naps, antibacterial soap, blue tarp, personal water filter, trauma dressing, matches, candles, etc. How should you know what kit to bring? Well, YOU need to assess the satiation. Again, if you are going on a really simple camping trip not to far away from home, a first aid kit should suffice.

If you are going on a trip that will lead you away from civilization, and you are placing yourself or your team in danger, it’s a good idea to be safe – these survival kits are also really nice if you truly don’t know what to do in a situation and you aren’t one of these Survivalists you see on TV one night a week. You might not know how to kill a rattle snake or what mushrooms are okay to eat – in that case the survival kit with food is going to be your best bet, right?!?

We aren’t talking about the best tasting food in the world, but in a situation like that when you are hungry and you need to eat, you could probably care less! The point to all of this is to be prepared and do whatever you can to stay safe. If you really need help understanding the best kit to buy, you can always visit a few websites online and they can help you better viagra prescription canada understand which option would be the best for you.

Author Bio: This Author is a huge fan of First Aid Kits

Category: Culture and Society
Keywords: First Aid Kit,First Aid Kits,Adventure Medical Kits,Tactical Medical solutions,Survival kit

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